Docking Bay Garibaldi An Interactive Fiction Release 1 / Serial number 150512 / Inform 7 build 6M22 (I6/v6.33 lib 6/12N) SD Docking Bay You can see an outer airlock and an inner airlock here. > > Docking Bay (Testing.) >[1] x readout The screen is blank. The security readout is currently switched off. >[2] turn on readout You switch the security readout on. >[3] x readout The screen reads: inner airlock (Docking Bay/Zocalo): UNLOCKED outer airlock (Docking Bay/Space): LOCKED quarantine seal (Zocalo/Medlab): LOCKED >[4] lock inner airlock with security pass You lock the inner airlock. >[5] x readout The screen reads: inner airlock (Docking Bay/Zocalo): LOCKED outer airlock (Docking Bay/Space): LOCKED quarantine seal (Zocalo/Medlab): LOCKED > >