Example: * Get Axe Location: Check rules for actions by other people RecipeLocation: Entering and Exiting, Sitting and Standing Index: Check rules modified for taking something we're inside Description: Changing the check rules to try automatically leaving a container before attempting to take it. (And arranging things so that other people will do likewise.) For: Z-Machine We could now re-write the check rules so that any time someone (the player or someone else) tries to pick up a container which they're in, they will first get out: {*}"GET AXE" This is the clever can't take what you're inside rule: if the person asked is in the noun, try the person asked exiting; if the person asked is in the noun, rule fails. The clever can't take what you're inside rule is listed instead of the can't take what you're inside rule in the check taking rules. Attic is a room. The unused coffin is in the Attic. The coffin is enterable and openable and open. Raskolnikov is a man in the coffin. Persuasion rule for asking Raskolnikov to try doing something: persuasion succeeds. Test me with "raskolnikov, get coffin".