Mailroom Hudsucker Industries An Interactive Fiction Release 1 / Serial number 150512 / Inform 7 build 6M22 (I6/v6.33 lib 6/12N) SD Mailroom Usually a thrumming hive of bee-like workers, but you got in early to get a jump on the day's work. Before you is a wall of mailboxes, including a CEO box, a Hold box and a Trash box. > > Mailroom (Testing.) >[1] inventory You are carrying: a satchel seven letters (all unread, at the moment) >[2] examine letter On inspection, it turns out to be quite polite. >[3] get letter Taken. >[4] i You are carrying: a polite letter a satchel six letters (all unread, at the moment) >[5] put letter in ceo box (the polite letter in the CEO box) You put the polite letter into the CEO box. >[6] inventory You are carrying: a satchel six letters (all unread, at the moment) >[7] get letter (the random letter) Taken. >[8] x letter (the random letter) On inspection, it turns out to be quite polite. >[9] g (the random letter) On inspection, it turns out to be quite polite. >[10] g (the random letter) On inspection, it turns out to be quite flamingly rude. >[11] i You are carrying: a polite letter a satchel five letters (some as yet unread) >[12] x letter (the random letter) On inspection, it turns out to be quite flamingly rude. >[13] g (the random letter) On inspection, it turns out to be quite polite. >[14] g (the random letter) On inspection, it turns out to be quite polite. >[15] i You are carrying: a polite letter a satchel five unsorted letters >[16] put letter in hold box (the polite letter in the Hold box) You put the polite letter into the Hold box. >[17] get letter (the polite random letter) Taken. >[18] g (the flamingly rude random letter) Taken. >[19] g (the flamingly rude random letter) Taken. >[20] i You are carrying: three unsorted letters a satchel two polite letters > >