Paris Theatre "And the subject on the card is... musical instruments. Will you carry out for us something to do with that, please, for ten turns starting - now!" I Didn't Come All The Way From Great Portland Street An Interactive Fiction Release 1 / Serial number 160428 / Inform 7 v10.1.0 / D Paris Theatre You can see a tuba, a xylophone, a triangle, a case (in which is a violin), a radish, a bust of Nicholas Parsons and a purple felt hat here. > > Paris Theatre (Testing.) >[1] look Bzzzzt! "And Derek Nimmo has challenged." "Repetition of looking!" "Well, as it's your first time playing the game, and the audience was enjoying your contribution so much, I will disallow the challenge, you have 9 turns left on musical instruments, starting... now! >[2] wait Bzzzzt! "And Peter Jones has challenged." "Hesitation!" "Well, as it's your first time playing the game, and the audience was enjoying your contribution so much, I will disallow the challenge, you have 8 turns left on musical instruments, starting... now! >[3] examine bust Bzzzzt! "And Kenneth Williams has challenged." "Deviation!" "Well, as it's your first time playing the game, and the audience was enjoying your contribution so much, I will disallow the challenge, you have 7 turns left on musical instruments, starting... now! >[4] take tuba Taken. >[5] get triangle Taken. >[6] hit xylophone Violence isn't the answer to this one. >[7] get tuba Bzzzzt! "And Peter Jones has challenged." "Repetition of taking the tuba!" "Well, as it's your first time playing the game, and the audience was enjoying your contribution so much, I will disallow the challenge, you have 3 turns left on musical instruments, starting... now! >[8] examine tuba You see nothing special about the tuba. >[9] get violin Taken. Phweeep! "So, when the whistle goes ten turns are up, you get a point for acting when the whistle blows, and in that round you entertained us by waiting, taking the tuba, taking the triangle, taking the violin, looking, examining the tuba, examining the bust of Nicholas Parsons and attacking the xylophone, and you also get a bonus point for keeping going until the whistle went." *** The End *** Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, QUIT or UNDO the last command? > >