Donut Shop IQ Test An Interactive Fiction Release 1 / Serial number 150512 / Inform 7 build 6M22 (I6/v6.33 lib 6/12N) SD Donut Shop Vibrantly decorated in donut colors: pink, brown, and cream. Ogg is slumped in the corner with a silver key. He wears a nametag which says "HELLO MY NAME IS OG." You can also see a case (closed) (in which are some cake donuts) here. > > Donut Shop (Testing.) >[1] open case It seems to be locked. >[2] get donuts The case isn't open. >[3] og, get donuts Ogg unlocks the case. Ogg opens the case. Ogg picks up the cake donuts. >[4] og, give me the donuts Ogg gives the cake donuts to you. >[5] eat donuts You eat the cake donuts. Not bad. > >