You: 35 Gladiator: 25 Lanista, Part Two An Interactive Fiction Release 1 / Serial number 150512 / Inform 7 build 6M22 (I6/v6.33 lib 6/12N) SD Arena Sand, blood, iron. These festivals are normally held on hot days, but the sun has gone behind a cloud and fat drops of rain now and then spatter the arena floor. A bare-chested Scythian gladiator faces you, wielding a trident and a net. > > You: 22 Gladiator: 14 (Testing.) >[1] hit gladiator with mace You attack the gladiator with the mace, causing 2 points of damage! The gladiator attacks you with the net, causing 1 point of damage! >[2] kill gladiator (with the mace) You attack the gladiator with the mace, causing 3 points of damage! The gladiator attacks you with the trident, causing 2 points of damage! >[3] drop mace Dropped. The gladiator attacks you with the trident, causing 2 points of damage! >[4] attack gladiator What do you want to attack the gladiator with? >[5] attack gladiator with mace (first taking the mace) You attack the gladiator with the mace, causing 2 points of damage! The gladiator attacks you with the trident, causing 2 points of damage! >[6] g You attack the gladiator with the mace, causing 2 points of damage! The gladiator attacks you with the trident, causing 5 points of damage! >[7] g You attack the gladiator with the mace, causing 2 points of damage! The gladiator attacks you with the net, causing 1 point of damage! > >