Masochism Deli Masochism Deli An Interactive Fiction Release 1 / Serial number 150512 / Inform 7 build 6M22 (I6/v6.33 lib 6/12N) SD Masochism Deli Recent restructurings of corporate policy restrict the "lunch hour" to exactly thirty-two minutes, which means that no one has time to go out. Instead, you and your coworkers eat here, in the company's very own themed lunch room. > > Masochism Deli (Testing.) >[1] inventory You are carrying: two cold potatoes a hot potato >[2] drop potato (the hot potato) The guy from Cube B sneers at your lack of potato-holding stamina. >[3] g (the cold potato) Dropped. >[4] g (the cold potato) Dropped. >[5] get potato (the cold potato) Taken. >[6] g (the cold potato) Taken. >[7] i You are carrying: two cold potatoes >[8] get potato (the hot potato) Taken. > >