Flea Market Your funds: $15 Money for Nothing An Interactive Fiction Release 1 / Serial number 150512 / Inform 7 build 6M22 (I6/v6.33 lib 6/12N) SD Flea Market A crotchety man here is selling the broken television set, the Victorian rhinestone brooch and the cracked shaving mug. > > Flea Market Your funds: $4.37 (Testing.) >[1] offer $0.50 for mug "How about $2.75?" suggests the crotchety man. >[2] offer $0.50 to man You'll need to specify what you want to buy -- try OFFER $1000.00 FOR BROOKLYN BRIDGE. >[3] offer $6.00 for mug From the avaricious gleam in the eye of the crotchety man, you guess you could've gotten this purchase for less... You spend $6, and now you possess the cracked shaving mug. >[4] offer $50.00 for brooch You don't have that kind of cash. >[5] offer $1.50 for brooch The crotchety man cackles disdainfully. "If yer just here to insult me you can take your business elsewhere!" he says. >[6] offer $4.50 for brooch "How about $4.75?" suggests the crotchety man. >[7] no You reject the offer firmly. >[8] offer $4.50 for brooch "How about $4.63?" suggests the crotchety man. >[9] yes You spend $4.63, and now you possess the Victorian rhinestone brooch. > >