Incan Palace Compound 0/1 Mutt's Adventure An Interactive Fiction Release 1 / Serial number 150512 / Inform 7 build 6M22 (I6/v6.33 lib 6/12N) SD Incan Palace Compound After numerous false leads through the jungles of Peru, and an arduous trek along the Amazon, you have arrived, at last, here: at Atagon, the lost city of untold treasure. A door carved all over with figures of ancient gods, and protected by an assortment of gears and latches, blocks progress towards the Treasure Room. > > Treasure Room 1/4 (Testing.) >[1] in (first opening the startlingly intricate door) Treasure Room To your considerable surprise, the treasure room is stocked with art objects from a vast range of eras and geographical locations: beside the expected pre-Columbian gold there are Cycladic figurines, Chinese Tang-dynasty pottery, purses that might have been stolen from Sutton Hoo. If the British Museum developed a nasty expectorant cough, this is what you'd find in its hanky. A door carved all over with figures of ancient gods, and protected by an assortment of gears and latches, stands open towards the Incan Palace Compound. [Your score has just gone up by one point.] >[2] out Incan Palace Compound After numerous false leads through the jungles of Peru, and an arduous trek along the Amazon, you have arrived, at last, here: at Atagon, the lost city of untold treasure. A door carved all over with figures of ancient gods, and protected by an assortment of gears and latches, stands open towards the Treasure Room. >[3] in Treasure Room To your considerable surprise, the treasure room is stocked with art objects from a vast range of eras and geographical locations: beside the expected pre-Columbian gold there are Cycladic figurines, Chinese Tang-dynasty pottery, purses that might have been stolen from Sutton Hoo. A door carved all over with figures of ancient gods, and protected by an assortment of gears and latches, stands open towards the Incan Palace Compound. > >