Specialist's Office Nine AM Appointment An Interactive Fiction Release 1 / Serial number 150512 / Inform 7 build 6M22 (I6/v6.33 lib 6/12N) SD Specialist's Office You can see a secretary here. > > Specialist's Office (Testing.) >[1] ask secretary about appointment "Hang on just five more minutes," she says, in a distracted manner. >[2] wait five minutes It is now 9:06 am. >[3] g It is now 9:11 am. >[4] g It is now 9:16 am. >[5] wait 61 minutes You really haven't got that kind of patience. >[6] wait for half an hour At quarter to ten, secretary glances at you and gives a reassuring smile. It is now 9:47 am. >[7] wait for a quarter of an hour It is now 10:02 am. >[8] wait for an hour It is now 11:02 am. > >