Example: * Number Study Location: Relations as values in their own right RecipeLocation: Mathematics Index: Numbers in relations Description: The parity and joint magnitude relations explored. For: Z-Machine This is the same case given above, but expanded just slightly to demonstrate that the names of the relations can also be printed, if we like: {*}"Number Study" Abstraction is a room. Parity relates a number (called N) to a number (called M) when N minus M is even. Joint magnitude relates a number (called N) to a number (called M) when N plus M is greater than 7. To chart (R - a relation of numbers): repeat with N running from 1 to 5: repeat with M running from 1 to 5: if R relates N to M, say "[N] <=> [M] by [R][line break]"; When play begins: let L be { parity relation, joint magnitude relation }; repeat with R running through L: chart R. As this shows, we can even form lists of relations. The kind of L is "list of relations of numbers".