Doghouse Olfactory Settings An Interactive Fiction Release 1 / Serial number 150512 / Inform 7 build 6M22 (I6/v6.33 lib 6/12N) SD Doghouse Not so much a place as a state of being. > > Doghouse (Testing.) >[1] x ticket You see nothing special about the ticket to the opera. >[2] eat it The ticket to the opera doesn't seem likely to agree with you at all. You'd be wiser to leave it alone. >[3] eat them I'm not sure what 'them' refers to. >[4] touch it That is all prickly. >[5] touch them I'm not sure what 'them' refers to. >[6] smell it Your nose is too weak to get much smell from that. >[7] smell them I'm not sure what 'them' refers to. >[8] taste it Whew, is that ever nasty! >[9] taste them I'm not sure what 'them' refers to. >[10] x papers You see nothing special about the papers. >[11] eat it The ticket to the opera doesn't seem likely to agree with you at all. You'd be wiser to leave it alone. >[12] eat them The papers don't seem likely to agree with you at all. You'd be wiser to leave them alone. >[13] touch them Those are all prickly. >[14] smell them Your nose is too weak to get much smell from those. >[15] taste them Whew, are those ever nasty! >[16] x bouquet You see nothing special about the bouquet of flowers. >[17] eat it The bouquet of flowers doesn't seem likely to agree with you at all. You'd be wiser to leave it alone. >[18] eat them The bouquet of flowers doesn't seem likely to agree with you at all. You'd be wiser to leave it alone. >[19] touch them That is all prickly. >[20] smell them It's lovely. >[21] taste them Whew, is that ever nasty! > >