Curved Beach Oyster Wide Shut An Interactive Fiction Release 1 / Serial number 150512 / Inform 7 build 6M22 (I6/v6.33 lib 6/12N) SD Curved Beach White sand stretches away both northeast and northwest, enclosing this attractive little bay. Gentle waves lap at the beach. > > Curved Beach (Testing.) >[1] i You are carrying: a glowing plastic sack (open and gently glowing) a rock a flashlight lanyard (being worn) an oyster a pearl >[2] close oyster You close the oyster. >[3] i You are carrying: a glowing plastic sack (open and gently glowing) a rock a flashlight lanyard (being worn) an oyster (clamped shut) >[4] turn on flashlight You switch the flashlight lanyard on. >[5] i You are carrying: a glowing plastic sack (open and gently glowing) a rock a flashlight lanyard (being worn and providing light) an oyster (clamped shut) >[6] take off flashlight You take off the flashlight lanyard. >[7] i You are carrying: a glowing plastic sack (open and gently glowing) a rock a flashlight lanyard (providing light) an oyster (clamped shut) >[8] turn off flashlight You switch the flashlight lanyard off. >[9] i You are carrying: a glowing plastic sack (open and gently glowing) a rock a flashlight lanyard an oyster (clamped shut) >[10] close sack You close the glowing plastic sack. >[11] i You are carrying: a glowing plastic sack (closed and gently glowing) a rock a flashlight lanyard an oyster (clamped shut) >[12] open sack You open the glowing plastic sack. >[13] i You are carrying: a glowing plastic sack (open and gently glowing) a rock a flashlight lanyard an oyster (clamped shut) >[14] take all from sack Taken. >[15] i You are carrying: a rock a glowing plastic sack (open, empty and gently glowing) a flashlight lanyard an oyster (clamped shut) >[16] close sack You close the glowing plastic sack. >[17] i You are carrying: a rock a glowing plastic sack (closed, empty and gently glowing) a flashlight lanyard an oyster (clamped shut) >[18] wear sack You put on the glowing plastic sack. >[19] i You are carrying: a rock a glowing plastic sack (closed, empty, being worn and gently glowing) a flashlight lanyard an oyster (clamped shut) >[20] enchant sack Ding! You turn the glowing plastic sack magical. >[21] i You are carrying: a rock a glowing plastic sack (closed, empty, being worn, gently glowing and enchanted) a flashlight lanyard an oyster (clamped shut) >[22] open sack You open the glowing plastic sack. >[23] put all in sack rock: Done. flashlight lanyard: Done. oyster: Done. >[24] i You are carrying: a glowing plastic sack (open, being worn, gently glowing and enchanted) an oyster (clamped shut) a flashlight lanyard a rock >[25] close sack You close the glowing plastic sack. >[26] i You are carrying: a glowing plastic sack (closed, being worn, gently glowing and enchanted) an oyster (clamped shut) a flashlight lanyard a rock > >