Seventh Avenue Police State An Interactive Fiction Release 1 / Serial number 150512 / Inform 7 build 6M22 (I6/v6.33 lib 6/12N) SD Seventh Avenue The bars are all closed now, and there aren't any good clubs to go to, so you're on your own for open-air entertainment. It's just five of you now: yourself, Charles, Thomas, Larry and Patricia. But it sure has been a rip-roaring evening. A policeman with a very guarded expression is watching you. > > Seventh Avenue (Testing.) >[1] charles, look Charles looks around. >[2] charles, jump The policeman arrests Charles! >[3] look Seventh Avenue The bars are all closed now, and there aren't any good clubs to go to, so you're on your own for open-air entertainment. It's just four of you now: yourself, Thomas, Larry and Patricia. But it sure has been a rip-roaring evening. A policeman with a very guarded expression is watching you. >[4] policeman, sing The policeman has better things to do. >[5] thomas, taste policeman The policeman arrests Thomas! >[6] patricia, sing The policeman arrests Patricia! >[7] look Seventh Avenue The bars are all closed now, and there aren't any good clubs to go to, so you're on your own for open-air entertainment. It's just two of you now: yourself and Larry. But it sure has been a rip-roaring evening. A policeman with a very guarded expression is watching you. >[8] jump *** The policeman arrests you! *** Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, QUIT or UNDO the last command? > >