Vault Safety An Interactive Fiction Release 1 / Serial number 150512 / Inform 7 build 6M22 (I6/v6.33 lib 6/12N) SD Vault Snug yet paranoid, this represents the state of the art in cheerless security. A mammoth safe, with a dial which can spin to any number, has pride of place. It must weigh about the same as a small car, so don't get any ideas. > > Vault (Testing.) >[1] open safe The safe opens only when turned to the correct combination. >[2] spin safe to 1131 Click! and nothing else happens. >[3] open safe The safe opens only when turned to the correct combination. >[4] spin safe to 1384 Clonk! and the safe door swings slowly open, revealing a silver florin. >[5] x safe In the Safe is a silver florin. >[6] get florin Taken. > >