Treasury Shawn's Bad Day An Interactive Fiction Release 1 / Serial number 150512 / Inform 7 build 6M22 (I6/v6.33 lib 6/12N) SD Treasury A massive vault fills up one wall. You can also see a security guard here. > > Treasury (Testing.) >[1] examine all vault: The vault's system includes a little green light, a little blue light, a little red light, a thin black pane of glass, a laser beam, a retinal scanner, a thumbprint ID plate, a dial and a large lever. security guard: His name is Shawn, and he doesn't look happy. little green light: Off. little blue light: Tranquilly on. little red light: Angrily flashing. thin black pane of glass: You see nothing special about the thin black pane of glass. laser beam: You see nothing special about the laser beam. retinal scanner: You see nothing special about the retinal scanner. thumbprint ID plate: You see nothing special about the thumbprint ID plate. dial: You see nothing special about the dial. large lever: You see nothing special about the large lever. > >