Parlor Spring Cleaning An Interactive Fiction Release 1 / Serial number 150512 / Inform 7 build 6M22 (I6/v6.33 lib 6/12N) SD Parlor You can see Granny Blue, a china lamb, a porcelain milkmaid, a frolicking Dutch cow and a crystal unicorn here. > > Parlor (Testing.) >[1] break lamb You smash the china lamb to smithereens! "Ohh," whimpers Granny to herself softly. "How I will miss the china lamb!" >[2] break milkmaid You smash the porcelain milkmaid to smithereens! "Ohh," whimpers Granny to herself softly. "How I will miss the china lamb and the porcelain milkmaid!" >[3] break cow You smash the frolicking Dutch cow to smithereens! "Ohh," whimpers Granny to herself softly. "How I will miss the china lamb, the porcelain milkmaid and the frolicking Dutch cow!" >[4] break unicorn You smash the crystal unicorn to smithereens! "Ohh," whimpers Granny to herself softly. "How I will miss the china lamb, the porcelain milkmaid, the frolicking Dutch cow and the crystal unicorn!" > >