Example: * Spring Cleaning Location: Removing things from play RecipeLocation: Glass and Other Damage-Prone Substances Index: Person who laments broken objects Description: A character who sulks over objects that the player has broken (and which are now off-stage). For: Z-Machine Here we have a destruction action that allows the player to break any fragile items. Once destroyed, these things are removed from play, but we can still refer to them: they are now off-stage. This makes it easy for our sulking character to list the ones that have been destroyed: {*}"Spring Cleaning" A thing can be tough or fragile. A thing is usually tough. Instead of attacking something fragile: say "You smash [the noun] to smithereens!"; now the noun is nowhere. A knick-knack is a kind of thing which is fragile. Every turn when a knick-knack is off-stage and Granny Blue can see the player: say "'Ohh,' whimpers Granny to herself softly. 'How I will miss [the list of off-stage knick-knacks]!'" The Parlor is a room. Granny Blue is a woman in the Parlor. A china lamb, a porcelain milkmaid, a frolicking Dutch cow, and a crystal unicorn are knick-knacks in the Parlor. Test me with "break lamb / break milkmaid / break cow / break unicorn".