Pacific Ballroom Strictly Ballroom An Interactive Fiction Release 1 / Serial number 150512 / Inform 7 build 6M22 (I6/v6.33 lib 6/12N) SD Pacific Ballroom A rather utilitarian space at the moment, since this is a class and not a party. You can see Timmy, Tommy, Joey, George, Mary, Martha, Yvette, McQueen, Linus and Patricia here. > > Pacific Ballroom (Testing.) >[1] z Time passes. Timmy polkas with Joey. Tommy polkas with Yvette. George polkas with Linus. Mary polkas with McQueen. Martha polkas with Patricia. >[2] ask linus about blanket You successfully distract Linus. Timmy cha-chas with Tommy. Joey cha-chas with Patricia. George cha-chas with Mary. Martha cha-chas primly with Yvette. McQueen is forced to be a wallflower. Poor McQueen. >[3] z Time passes. Timmy two-steps with Joey. Tommy two-steps with McQueen. George two-steps with Linus. Mary two-steps with Martha. Yvette two-steps energetically with Patricia. >[4] z Time passes. Timmy two-steps with Martha. Tommy two-steps elegantly with Yvette. Joey two-steps with Patricia. George two-steps elegantly with McQueen. Mary two-steps primly with Linus. > >