Temporal Prism Tense Boxing An Interactive Fiction Release 1 / Serial number 151231 / Inform 7 build 6M62 (I6/v6.33 lib 6/12N) SD Temporal Prism A room of angled mirrors, in whose surfaces you can see what is now; what just was; what has always been. A final mirror is broken and its frame gapes blackly. You can see a mysterious box (closed) here. > > Temporal Prism (Testing.) >[1] open box You are about to open the box. The box was not open. The box had not been open. The box is not open. The box has not been open. You now open the box. The box was not open. The box had not been open. The box is open. The box has been open. >[2] close box You are about to close the box. The box was open. The box had been open. The box is open. The box has been open. You now close the box. The box was open. The box had been open. The box is not open. The box has been open. >[3] open box You are about to open the box. The box was not open. The box had been open. The box is not open. The box has been open. You now open the box. The box was not open. The box had been open. The box is open. The box has been open. >[4] take box You lift the mysterious box for the first time. >[5] drop box Dropped. >[6] take box You again pick up the mysterious box. > >