Sharper Image The Art of Noise An Interactive Fiction Release 1 / Serial number 150512 / Inform 7 build 6M22 (I6/v6.33 lib 6/12N) SD Sharper Image You can see a pet rock, a toy car, a plastic widget, a pointless gadget and a soundproof case (closed and empty) here. > > Sharper Image (Testing.) >[1] listen You hear the whirring and zooming from the toy car, the bleeps and bloops from the plastic widget and the buzzbuzzbuzz from the pointless gadget. >[2] listen to rock From the pet rock you hear silence. >[3] listen to car From the toy car you hear whirring and zooming. >[4] get all pet rock: Taken. toy car: Taken. plastic widget: Taken. pointless gadget: Taken. >[5] open case You open the soundproof case. >[6] put all in case pointless gadget: Done. plastic widget: Done. toy car: Done. pet rock: Done. >[7] listen You hear the whirring and zooming from the toy car, the bleeps and bloops from the plastic widget and the buzzbuzzbuzz from the pointless gadget. >[8] close case You close the soundproof case. >[9] listen Nothing of note. >[10] listen to car The soundproof case isn't open. > >