Funky Ignition Lounge The Best Till Last An Interactive Fiction Release 1 / Serial number 150512 / Inform 7 build 6M22 (I6/v6.33 lib 6/12N) SD Funky Ignition Lounge This is where all evenings end. You can see a stick of gelignite, a solid magnesium footstool, a vetiver candle and a vodka bottle here. > > Funky Ignition Lounge (Testing.) >[1] burn all with lighter lighter: Best not. stick of gelignite: Best not. solid magnesium footstool: Best not. vodka bottle: Best not. inexpensive firework: It ignites gloriously! You take a few hasty steps back in order to avoid burning yourself, and not a moment too soon. Red and green sparks fly out of the tube, and there's a whistling noise punctuated by several loud cracks. vetiver candle: It burns right down, expensively but gothically. > >