Example: * The Big Sainsbury's Location: Implicitly taking something RecipeLocation: The Passage Of Time Index: Implicit takes require time Description: Making implicit takes add a minute to the clock, just as though the player had typed TAKE THING explicitly. For: Z-Machine Implicit takes are a convenience to players; in general, we would like to avoid asking players to type any more obvious commands than strictly necessary, while allowing the computer to guess as much as it safely can. Occasionally, though, we have designed a timed puzzle in which the player has a limited number of moves in which to accomplish their objectives. In that case, the implicit take complicates matters, because it means that a player who types >EAT GATEAU (first taking the gateau...) gets away with a spare move compared to the precise but naïf dupe who types >TAKE GATEAU >EAT GATEAU ...and really, that doesn't seem quite fair. The way to fix this problem is to fill in the extra minute on the clock during the implicit take; and that is indeed what we do in the following example. {*}"The Big Sainsbury's" Sainsbury's is a room. The crispy duck and the Guinness steak pie are edible things in Sainsbury's. Rule for implicitly taking something: follow the advance time rule; continue the activity. When play begins: now the right hand status line is "[time of day]". Test me with "take crispy duck / eat crispy duck / eat steak pie".