Old Chicago The Cow Exonerated An Interactive Fiction Release 1 / Serial number 150512 / Inform 7 build 6M22 (I6/v6.33 lib 6/12N) SD Old Chicago > > Old Chicago (Testing.) >[1] i You are carrying: a log two flaming matches (providing light) a matchbox (open) five new matches >[2] burn match (the new match in the matchbox) You light the match. >[3] i You are carrying: three flaming matches (providing light) a log a matchbox (open) four new matches Two matches go out, leaving one still lit. >[4] i You are carrying: a flaming match (providing light) a log two burnt matches a matchbox (open) four new matches Your last burning match goes out. >[5] burn log with match (the new match in the matchbox) (first taking and lighting the match) It occurs to you to set down the log before burning, just for safety's sake. You burn up the log. >[6] burn matchbox with match (the flaming match you're carrying) The matchbox cannot be burned. >[7] i You are carrying: a flaming match (providing light) three burnt matches a matchbox (open) three new matches Your last burning match goes out. > >