Example: * The Crane's Leg 2 Subtitle: Descriptions based on player-character's observation abilities Location: New rules RecipeLocation: Viewpoint Index: The Crane's Leg 2. Descriptions based on player-character's observation abilities Description: A description text generated based on the propensities of the player-character, following different rulebooks for different characters. For: Z-Machine Names of rules can be listed in tables. This is convenient if, for instance, we decide that we'd like to swap the rules we use for a specific purpose, as in this continuation of our earlier example of automated description: {*}"The Crane's Leg, Grown Longer" Material is a kind of value. The materials are wood, glass, stone, cloth, paper, clay, and metal. A thing has a material. Color is a kind of value. The colors are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, black, brown, and white. A thing has a color. A thing is usually white. A height is a kind of value. 3 feet 11 inches specifies a height. A thing has a height. Definition: a thing is tall if its height is 6 feet 0 inches or more. Definition: a thing is short if its height is 2 feet 0 inches or less. Imitation relates various things to one thing (called the ideal). The verb to imitate means the imitation relation. A table is a kind of supporter. A table is usually wood. The height of a table is usually 3 feet 8 inches. The ordinary table is a table. Every table imitates the ordinary table. A rock is a kind of thing. A rock is usually stone. The ordinary rock is a rock. The height of a rock is usually 0 feet 3 inches. Every rock imitates the ordinary rock. The description of a thing is usually "[comparison with ideal][run paragraph on]". To say comparison with ideal: say "You observe [the noun]:[paragraph break]"; choose row with character of the player in Table of Descriptive Reporting; follow instructions entry. This is the comparative observation rule: let the sample be the ideal of the noun; if the sample is not a thing: say "Nothing special, really."; rule succeeds; if the material of the noun is not the material of the sample: if the height of the noun is not the height of the sample: if the noun is shorter than the sample, say "Unusually short at [height of the noun], and made of [material of the noun]."; otherwise say "Unusually tall at [height of the noun], and made of [material of the noun]."; otherwise: say "Distinct mostly in being made of [material of the noun]."; otherwise: if the height of the noun is not the height of the sample: if the noun is shorter than the sample, say "Unusually short at [height of the noun]."; otherwise say "Unusually tall at [height of the noun]."; otherwise: say "In every respect [a sample]." The Pleasure Garden is a room. "At the riverbank, a pleasing garden, having many curving paths and one straight." The low table is a table in the Pleasure Garden. The height of the low table is 2 feet 3 inches. On the low table is a yellow metal rock called a gold nugget. A willow is in the Pleasure Garden. The height of the willow is 20 feet 2 inches. Understand "possess [any person]" or "be [any person]" as possessing. Possessing is an action applying to one thing. Carry out possessing: now the player is the noun; say "You swap bodies!" The crane is a person in the Garden. The height of the crane is 4 feet 0 inches. Table of Descriptive Reporting character instructions yourself comparative observation rule crane bird observation rule This is the bird observation rule: if the noun is shorter than the player, say "Small, like a duck[if the color of the noun is not white]; and [color of the noun][end if]."; otherwise say "Supremely tall[if the color of the noun is not white] and [color of the noun][end if]." Test me with "examine table / examine nugget / examine willow / possess crane / examine table / examine nugget / examine willow".