Sand-Floored Chamber The Eye of the Idol An Interactive Fiction Release 1 / Serial number 150512 / Inform 7 build 6M22 (I6/v6.33 lib 6/12N) SD Sand-Floored Chamber The constant wind has filled this chamber with a layer of fine red sand, as soft as powder snow. Something sparkling is half-buried in the corner. A doorway lies open to the north. > > Hexagonal Temple (Testing.) >[1] get diamond Taken. >[2] look Sand-Floored Chamber The constant wind has filled this chamber with a layer of fine red sand, as soft as powder snow. A doorway lies open to the north. >[3] n Hexagonal Temple The temple walls are great ashlar blocks rising to a hundred feet overhead, perhaps more; the roof is a scarlet awning only, through which the sun filters down in blood hues. Overseeing all is a sculpture in stone and ivory. A prayer mat at the idol's feet, and an incense stick still burning on the pedestal, indicate that someone was only recently consigning her grievances to the care of the deity. >[4] get mat Taken. >[5] look Hexagonal Temple The temple walls are great ashlar blocks rising to a hundred feet overhead, perhaps more; the roof is a scarlet awning only, through which the sun filters down in blood hues. Overseeing all is a sculpture in stone and ivory. At the idol's side is a pedestal, on which incense still smolders. >[6] drop diamond Dropped. >[7] look Hexagonal Temple The temple walls are great ashlar blocks rising to a hundred feet overhead, perhaps more; the roof is a scarlet awning only, through which the sun filters down in blood hues. Overseeing all is a sculpture in stone and ivory. At the idol's side is a pedestal, on which incense still smolders. You can see a sparkling diamond here. >[8] get diamond Taken. >[9] put diamond in eye You put the sparkling diamond into the idol's eye. >[10] look Hexagonal Temple The temple walls are great ashlar blocks rising to a hundred feet overhead, perhaps more; the roof is a scarlet awning only, through which the sun filters down in blood hues. Overseeing all is a sculpture in stone and ivory, in whose single eye a vast diamond gleams. At the idol's side is a pedestal, on which incense still smolders. >[11] get incense Taken. >[12] look Hexagonal Temple The temple walls are great ashlar blocks rising to a hundred feet overhead, perhaps more; the roof is a scarlet awning only, through which the sun filters down in blood hues. Overseeing all is a sculpture in stone and ivory, in whose single eye a vast diamond gleams. >[13] drop mat Dropped. >[14] look Hexagonal Temple The temple walls are great ashlar blocks rising to a hundred feet overhead, perhaps more; the roof is a scarlet awning only, through which the sun filters down in blood hues. Overseeing all is a sculpture in stone and ivory, in whose single eye a vast diamond gleams. At the idol's feet, some worshipper has left a prayer mat. >[15] get mat Taken. >[16] put mat on pedestal You put the mat on the pedestal. >[17] look Hexagonal Temple The temple walls are great ashlar blocks rising to a hundred feet overhead, perhaps more; the roof is a scarlet awning only, through which the sun filters down in blood hues. Overseeing all is a sculpture in stone and ivory, in whose single eye a vast diamond gleams. On a pedestal is a mat. >[18] put incense on pedestal You put the incense stick on the pedestal. >[19] look Hexagonal Temple The temple walls are great ashlar blocks rising to a hundred feet overhead, perhaps more; the roof is a scarlet awning only, through which the sun filters down in blood hues. Overseeing all is a sculpture in stone and ivory, in whose single eye a vast diamond gleams. At the idol's side is a pedestal, on which incense still smolders. On the pedestal, in addition to the incense stick, is a mat. > >