Morgue Office The Facts Were These An Interactive Fiction Release 1 / Serial number 150512 / Inform 7 build 6M22 (I6/v6.33 lib 6/12N) SD Morgue Office This is not the Morgue itself; this is only its outer office. The familiar room full of silver drawers and cold air lies beyond. The Attendant has seen you come through a number of times, and is becoming suspicious of your abiding interest in dead people. > > Morgue Office (Testing.) >[1] test dollars (Testing.) >[2] drop all dollar: Dropped. dollar: Dropped. dollar: Dropped. miniature rhubarb pie: Dropped. knitted cap: Dropped. >[3] give dollar to morgue attendant (first taking the dollar) The Morgue Attendant angrily rejects your piffling bribe. >[4] give dollars to morgue attendant The Morgue Attendant angrily rejects your piffling bribe. >[5] get dollars dollar: Taken. dollar: Taken. >[6] give dollars to morgue attendant The Morgue Attendant rather shamefacedly tucks the three dollars away into a pocket. >[7] purloin three dollars [Purloined.] [Purloined.] [Purloined.] >[8] drop dollars dollar: Dropped. dollar: Dropped. dollar: Dropped. >[9] give dollars to morgue attendant You pick up the three dollars and make your offer. The Morgue Attendant rather shamefacedly tucks the three dollars away into a pocket. >[10] purloin three dollars [Purloined.] [Purloined.] [Purloined.] >[11] test multi-line (Testing.) >[12] give dollar and pie to attendant. give dollars and cap to attendant You pick up the miniature rhubarb pie and make your offer. The Morgue Attendant rather shamefacedly tucks the miniature rhubarb pie and the dollar away into a pocket. You pick up the knitted cap and make your offer. The Morgue Attendant rather shamefacedly tucks the knitted cap and the two dollars away into a pocket. >[13] purloin three dollars [Purloined.] [Purloined.] [Purloined.] >[14] purloin pie [Purloined.] >[15] purloin cap [Purloined.] >[16] test specificity (Testing.) >[17] give three dollars to morgue attendant The Morgue Attendant rather shamefacedly tucks the three dollars away into a pocket. >[18] purloin three dollars [Purloined.] [Purloined.] [Purloined.] >[19] test largesse (Testing.) >[20] give pie to morgue attendant The Morgue Attendant rather shamefacedly tucks the miniature rhubarb pie away into a pocket. >[21] test mixed-gift (Testing.) >[22] give dollar and cap to morgue attendant The Morgue Attendant rather shamefacedly tucks the knitted cap and the dollar away into a pocket. >[23] get cap That seems to belong to the Morgue Attendant. >[24] give dollar and cap to morgue attendant The knitted cap isn't yours to give. >[25] give me and dollar to attendant Slavery is illegal. > >