Example: * The Hypnotist of Blois Location: Persuasion RecipeLocation: Obedient Characters Index: People commanded to obey Description: A hypnotist who can make people obedient and then set them free again. For: Z-Machine {*}"The Hypnotist of Blois" A person is either hypnotized or alert. A person is usually alert. Persuasion rule for asking a hypnotized person to try doing something: persuasion succeeds. Understand "hypnotize [someone]" as hypnotizing. Hypnotizing is an action applying to one thing. Check hypnotizing: if the noun is hypnotized, say "Already done." instead. Carry out hypnotizing: now the noun is hypnotized. Report hypnotizing: say "[The noun] slips under your control." Instead of waking someone hypnotized: now the noun is alert; say "[The noun] returns abruptly to consciousness." We will learn more about check rules for other characters shortly, but the following prevents the hypnosis patient from trying to hypnotize us in turn: {**}Check someone hypnotizing someone: stop the action. Maison de la Magie is a room. "In a darkened room, a few hundreds of paces from the chateau of Blois, you give to tourists three shows a day: displaying to them power they do not comprehend and spectacles they do not deserve." A volunteer is a woman in the Maison. "A volunteer from the audience stands facing you, [if alert]skeptically awaiting hypnosis[otherwise]her face worshipful and obedient[end if]." The printed name of the volunteer is "volunteer from the audience". The description is "A distracted, susceptible woman." The volunteer wears a t-shirt and a baseball hat. The player wears a top hat and a cape. Test me with "volunteer, remove hat / hypnotize volunteer / look / volunteer, remove hat / wake volunteer / volunteer, wear hat".