Daily Planet Newsroom The Man of Steel Excuses Himself An Interactive Fiction Release 1 / Serial number 160428 / Inform 7 v10.2.0 / D Daily Planet Newsroom Clark is here, frowning as he revises his latest article. > > Perry White's Office (Testing.) >[1] west Perry White's Office You can see a desk (on which is a lead-lined box (in which is a green kryptonite crystal)) and a poster of Elvis here. >[2] get box Taken. >[3] east Daily Planet Newsroom Clark looks a bit ill. Muttering about thinking he smells smoke, Clark heads east. >[4] close box You close the lead-lined box. >[5] east Supply Closet Clark is here, frowning as he revises his latest article. >[6] west Daily Planet Newsroom >[7] north Elevator Bank >[8] south Daily Planet Newsroom >[9] west Perry White's Office You can see a desk and a poster of Elvis here. > >