Discussing: divorce The Problem of Edith An Interactive Fiction Release 1 / Serial number 150512 / Inform 7 build 6M22 (I6/v6.33 lib 6/12N) SD Broughton Hall Lady Uckfield sits at her desk, looking wholly composed. > > Discussing: penmanship (Testing.) >[1] think You contemplate infidelity. >[2] ask lady about infidelity "Hmm, infidelity," says Lady Uckfield. "Frankly, I rather think there would have been cause enough for divorce without the perversely plentiful evidence of unfaithfulness." >[3] show nasty letter to lady Lady Uckfield nods impatiently. >[4] show note to lady "Hmm, money," says Lady Uckfield. "I'm sorry, but I don't see how having married for money excuses a subsequent infidelity." >[5] think You contemplate a ten-pound note, marriage and Class status. >[6] ask lady about divorce "Hmm, divorce," says Lady Uckfield. >[7] ask lady about love "Hmm, love," says Lady Uckfield. "As it seems to me, all the love is on one side," she says crisply. "And that rarely works." >[8] ask lady about marriage "Hmm, marriage," says Lady Uckfield. >[9] ask lady about divorce "Hmm, divorce," says Lady Uckfield. >[10] ask lady about love "Hmm, love," says Lady Uckfield. "Stop making that plea: it won't work." >[11] ask lady about penmanship She sighs. "So few people write really beautifully these days." > >