Campsite Thirst An Interactive Fiction Release 1 / Serial number 150512 / Inform 7 build 6M22 (I6/v6.33 lib 6/12N) SD Campsite It is solid night now, and the stars have come out. Unfamiliar stars. On the other side of the valley -- a valley round-bottomed but shallow, like a soup bowl -- burn other campfires, most likely bandits. Their voices do not carry, but the smoke rises and obscures the starlight over that way. Your sleepsack is laid out in a pocket of sandy soil and coarse grass. You can also see some kindling here. > > By The Campfire (Testing.) >[1] i You are carrying: a waterskin (full) a tinderbox a flint a steel some tinder a patch of carbonized cloth >[2] drink water You drink a long draught. >[3] i You are carrying: a waterskin (partly drained) a tinderbox a flint a steel some tinder a patch of carbonized cloth >[4] drink water You drink a long draught. >[5] i You are carrying: a waterskin (empty) a tinderbox a flint a steel some tinder a patch of carbonized cloth >[6] wear steel (first taking the steel) You put on the steel. >[7] get flint Taken. >[8] get cloth Taken. >[9] drop cloth Dropped. >[10] get tinder Taken. >[11] hit flint You strike the flint against the steel and throw sparks onto the patch of cloth; they make tiny circles of orange there, which will only prosper if blown into flame. Now the patch of cloth is fading. >[12] blow on cloth You blow on the faint sparks on the cloth and turn them into the beginnings of flame. >[13] burn tinder You light the tinder with the patch of cloth, and have the elements of a fire. >[14] burn kindling You succeed in lighting yourself a proper campfire. >[15] look By The Campfire It is solid night now, and the stars have come out. Unfamiliar stars. On the other side of the valley -- a valley round-bottomed but shallow, like a soup bowl -- burn other campfires, most likely bandits. Their voices do not carry, but the smoke rises and obscures the starlight over that way. Your sleepsack is laid out in a pocket of sandy soil and coarse grass. > >