Empty Room Tilt An Interactive Fiction Release 1 / Serial number 150512 / Inform 7 build 6M22 (I6/v6.33 lib 6/12N) SD Empty Room Nothing to see here. You can see a deck of cards here. > > Empty Room (Testing.) >[1] seed >[2] draw You draw a six of clubs. >[3] g You draw a jack of diamonds. >[4] g You draw a queen of diamonds. >[5] g You draw a four of hearts. >[6] g You draw a seven of spades. >[7] i You are carrying: a seven of spades a four of hearts a queen of diamonds a jack of diamonds a six of clubs >[8] discard seven of spades You toss the seven of spades nonchalantly onto the discard pile. >[9] draw You draw an eight of diamonds. >[10] discard six You toss the six of clubs nonchalantly onto the discard pile. >[11] draw You draw a six of diamonds. >[12] i You are carrying: a six of diamonds an eight of diamonds a four of hearts a queen of diamonds a jack of diamonds >[13] discard hearts You toss the four of hearts nonchalantly onto the discard pile. >[14] discard six of diamonds card You toss the six of diamonds nonchalantly onto the discard pile. >[15] draw You draw a king of hearts. >[16] draw You draw a four of spades. >[17] i You are carrying: a four of spades a king of hearts an eight of diamonds a queen of diamonds a jack of diamonds >[18] discard spades card You toss the four of spades nonchalantly onto the discard pile. >[19] draw You draw a nine of clubs. >[20] discard king card You toss the king of hearts nonchalantly onto the discard pile. > >