Doctor's Cabin Trachypachidae Maturin 1803 An Interactive Fiction Release 1 / Serial number 150512 / Inform 7 build 6M22 (I6/v6.33 lib 6/12N) SD Doctor's Cabin A dark, cramped triangle, like a slice of cake, except that its sharp end has been cut off: and so low that a moderately tall man would strike his head on the deck above if he were to stand upright. Every free surface is covered with sheets of best Venetian looking-glass, to increase the light filtering in. Long use and the carpenter's ingenuity have packed in a folding cot and table, and lockers are built into unlikely places: lockers filled with specimens, skeletons, sketches, drafts and serial letters. You can see a sealed jug containing a beetle here. > > Doctor's Cabin (Testing.) >[1] get jug Taken. >[2] x jug The sealed jug contains a beetle. >[3] open jug You pull the cork from the jug containing a beetle. >[4] x jug The now open jug contains a beetle. >[5] i You are carrying: a cork a now open jug containing a beetle >[6] x cork You see nothing special about the cork. >[7] cork jug You stopper the jug with the cork. >[8] i You are carrying: a sealed jug containing a beetle >[9] uncork jug You pull the cork from the jug containing a beetle. >[10] i You are carrying: a cork a now open jug containing a beetle >[11] x jug The now open jug contains a beetle. >[12] get beetle Taken. >[13] i You are carrying: a beetle a cork a now open jug >[14] close jug You stopper the jug with the cork. >[15] i You are carrying: a beetle a sealed jug >[16] x jug The sealed jug contains nothing. > >