U-Stor-It Facility U-Stor-It An Interactive Fiction Release 1 / Serial number 150512 / Inform 7 build 6M22 (I6/v6.33 lib 6/12N) SD U-Stor-It Facility You can see a sea trunk (closed), a shipping crate (closed) and a metal box (on which is a small card) here. > > U-Stor-It Facility (Testing.) >[1] open trunk You open the sea trunk. >[2] x card It reads, "Back in 5 mins - Pandora." >[3] open metal box (first removing the small card) Taken. You open the metal box, revealing a sapphire, a gold coin and a signed photograph of Babe Ruth. >[4] put all in metal box small card: Done. >[5] get card Taken. >[6] put card on box (first closing the metal box) You close the metal box. You put the small card on the metal box's lid. > >