Waiting Room Wainwright Acts An Interactive Fiction Release 1 / Serial number 160428 / Inform 7 build 9Z99 (I6/v6.34) SD Waiting Room The waiting room door stands open. > > Waiting Room (Testing.) >[1] z Time passes. Through the waiting room door, you overhear Sir Humphrey discussing your wife's infidelity. >[2] z Time passes. Through the waiting room door, you overhear Sir Humphrey discussing his hopes for your imminent resignation. >[3] z Time passes. Through the waiting room door, you overhear Sir Humphrey discussing his hopes for your imminent resignation. >[4] w Gents' Loo The waiting room door stands open. You can also see Sir Humphrey here. >[5] z Time passes. >[6] e Waiting Room The waiting room door stands open. Through the waiting room door, you overhear Sir Humphrey discussing your financially straitened circumstances. >[7] close door You close the waiting room door. >[8] z Time passes. > >