Dressing Room What Not To Wear An Interactive Fiction Release 1 / Serial number 150512 / Inform 7 build 6M22 (I6/v6.33 lib 6/12N) SD Dressing Room > > Dressing Room (Testing.) >[1] wear capris You put on the capris. >[2] wear jeans (first taking off the capris) You put on the jeans. >[3] i You're carrying some capris, a corset, a plunge bra, a thong, boy-shorts, black satin D'Orsay pumps, brown leather boots, a camisole, a cocktail dress, a bolero, a cashmere shrug, a sheer wrap and a linen tunic. You are wearing some jeans. >[4] wear thong (first removing the jeans) You put on the thong. >[5] i You're carrying some capris, some jeans, a corset, a plunge bra, boy-shorts, black satin D'Orsay pumps, brown leather boots, a camisole, a cocktail dress, a bolero, a cashmere shrug, a sheer wrap and a linen tunic. You are wearing a thong. >[6] wear dress You put on the cocktail dress. >[7] wear corset (first removing the cocktail dress) You put on the corset. >[8] wear dress You put on the cocktail dress. >[9] i You're carrying some capris, some jeans, a plunge bra, boy-shorts, black satin D'Orsay pumps, brown leather boots, a camisole, a bolero, a cashmere shrug, a sheer wrap and a linen tunic. You are wearing a cocktail dress. >[10] wear wrap You put on the sheer wrap. >[11] i You're carrying some capris, some jeans, a plunge bra, boy-shorts, black satin D'Orsay pumps, brown leather boots, a camisole, a bolero, a cashmere shrug and a linen tunic. You are wearing a cocktail dress and a sheer wrap. >[12] wear boots You put on brown leather boots. >[13] wear pumps (first taking off brown leather boots) You put on black satin D'Orsay pumps. >[14] i You're carrying some capris, some jeans, a plunge bra, boy-shorts, brown leather boots, a camisole, a bolero, a cashmere shrug and a linen tunic. You are wearing black satin D'Orsay pumps, a cocktail dress and a sheer wrap. > >