Humiliation Chamber Xot An Interactive Fiction Release 1 / Serial number 150512 / Inform 7 build 6M22 (I6/v6.33 lib 6/12N) SD Humiliation Chamber A grim, grey-walled room. Cameras watch you from every angle; convex mirrors reflect your actions; and up near the ceiling, where you can't disable it, is a loudspeaker. > > Humiliation Chamber (Testing.) >[1] wiggle That's not a verb I recognise. >[2] z Time passes. >[3] z Time passes. >[4] z Time passes. Over the loudspeaker comes some distorted nonsense. If you listen carefully, it sounds as though some fool is saying "wiggle, wiggle, wiggle!" >[5] z Time passes. Over the loudspeaker comes some distorted nonsense. If you listen carefully, it sounds as though some fool is saying "wiggle, wiggle, wiggle!" >[6] z Time passes. >[7] z Time passes. Over the loudspeaker comes some distorted nonsense. If you listen carefully, it sounds as though some fool is saying "wiggle, wiggle, wiggle!" > >