Living Room Your Mother Doesn't Work Here An Interactive Fiction Release 1 / Serial number 160428 / Inform 7 v10.2.0 / D Living Room You can see a somewhat muddy Persian rug and Mother here. > > Living Room (Testing.) >[1] drop socks Dropped. Your mother picks up the dirty socks, sighing deeply. >[2] z Time passes. Your mother scrubs the stained areas of the rug, muttering to herself. >[3] drop shoes Dropped. Your mother picks up the dirty shoes, jaw tight. >[4] drop hat Dropped. Your mother picks up the dirty hat, with assorted comments on your manners. >[5] drop all pair of dirty trousers: Dropped. backpack: Dropped. Your mother picks up the backpack; to judge from her comments, she is also indulging in a pleasant fantasy about Swiss boarding schools. >[6] z Time passes. Your mother picks up the pair of dirty trousers; to judge from her comments, she is also indulging in a pleasant fantasy about Swiss boarding schools. >[7] z Time passes. Mother goes west. *** The End *** Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, QUIT or UNDO the last command? > >