Nearly Empty Living Room Zero An Interactive Fiction Release 1 / Serial number 150512 / Inform 7 build 6M22 (I6/v6.33 lib 6/12N) SD Nearly Empty Living Room Nearly everything is out, all of Helen's possessions and most of yours. Mr Zero, despite being heavily paid to assist in this operation, is giving you a look that clearly conveys his lack of interest in budging even one more item. You can also see a book box, a clothing box, a broom, a dustpan, some packing tape and a discarded newspaper here. > > Nearly Empty Living Room (Testing.) >[1] get clothing Taken. >[2] look Nearly Empty Living Room Nearly everything is out, all of Helen's possessions and most of yours. Mr Zero, despite being heavily paid to assist in this operation, is giving you a look that clearly conveys his lack of interest in budging even one more item. You can also see a book box, a broom, a dustpan, some packing tape and a discarded newspaper here. >[3] get book box Taken. (Oof.) >[4] look Nearly Empty Living Room Nearly everything is out, all of Helen's possessions and most of yours. Mr Zero, despite being heavily paid to assist in this operation, is giving you a look that clearly conveys his lack of interest in budging even one more item. You can also see a broom, a dustpan, some packing tape and a discarded newspaper here. >[5] i You are carrying: a horribly heavy book box a clothing box >[6] drop book box Dropped. >[7] look Nearly Empty Living Room Nearly everything is out, all of Helen's possessions and most of yours. Mr Zero, despite being heavily paid to assist in this operation, is giving you a look that clearly conveys his lack of interest in budging even one more item. You can also see a horribly heavy book box, a broom, a dustpan, some packing tape and a discarded newspaper here. > >