Title: Navigation page for Inbuild Author: Graham Nelson @ Inbuild is Stage 1 of the core Inform compiler, but can also be run as a stand-alone tool. See //structure// for the bigger picture: Inbuild handles only this part of the compilation flow -- = (hyperlinked text as BoxArt) main source text extension source texts \ / \ / INFORM7 Stage 1 or INBUILD \ / \|/ \|/ syntax tree = Used as a stand-alone tool at the command line, however, Inbuild is more flexible and interesting. See the //inbuild: Manual// and //inbuild: Reference Card//. (*) The contents page for the Inbuild web is here: //inbuild//. (*) The command-line interface for Inbuild as a stand-alone tool is implemented at //inbuild: Main//. @ The //supervisor// module does all of the real work. Given a project to build, it decides what resources are needed -- for example, extensions or kits -- and forms a dependency graph between them. It then attempts to traverse that graph, building each resource in turn as necessary. To do all this, //supervisor// must also be a filing clerk, managing "nests" of resources and worrying about semantic version numbers. Since that requires looking at source text for extensions and Inform projects, the supervisor is therefore also the part of Inform which uses the //syntax// service to read text in to the syntax tree. (*) Contents page of web: //supervisor//. (*) Detailed overview: //supervisor: What This Module Does//. @ Inbuild also contains the basic //foundation// library and some //services// modules: specifically, //words//, //syntax//, //html// and //arch//.