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[Projects::] Project Services.
Behaviour specific to copies of either the projectbundle or projectfile genres.
@h Scanning metadata.
Metadata for pipelines -- or rather, the complete lack of same -- is stored
in the following structure.
typedef struct inform_project {
struct inbuild_copy *as_copy;
struct semantic_version_number version;
struct linked_list *source_vertices; /* of |build_vertex| */
int assumed_to_be_parser_IF;
struct linked_list *kits_to_include; /* of |kit_dependency| */
struct inform_language *language_of_play;
struct inform_language *language_of_syntax;
struct inform_language *language_of_index;
struct build_vertex *unblorbed_vertex;
struct build_vertex *blorbed_vertex;
struct build_vertex *chosen_build_target;
struct parse_node_tree *syntax_tree;
int fix_rng;
} inform_project;
@ This is called as soon as a new copy |C| of the language genre is created.
It doesn't actually do any scanning to speak of, in fact: we may eventually
learn a lot about the project, but for now we simply initialise to bland
void Projects::scan(inbuild_copy *C) {
inform_project *proj = CREATE(inform_project);
proj->as_copy = C;
if (C == NULL) internal_error("no copy to scan");
Copies::set_metadata(C, STORE_POINTER_inform_project(proj));
proj->version = VersionNumbers::null();
proj->source_vertices = NEW_LINKED_LIST(build_vertex);
proj->kits_to_include = NEW_LINKED_LIST(kit_dependency);
proj->assumed_to_be_parser_IF = TRUE;
proj->language_of_play = NULL;
proj->language_of_syntax = NULL;
proj->language_of_index = NULL;
proj->chosen_build_target = NULL;
proj->unblorbed_vertex = NULL;
proj->blorbed_vertex = NULL;
proj->fix_rng = 0;
proj->syntax_tree = ParseTree::new_tree();
@h The project's languages.
All projects are by default in English, which is one reason it plays a special
role compared to other natural languages: the other is that the Basic Inform
and Standard Rules extensions are written in English as well.
void Projects::set_to_English(inform_project *proj) {
if (proj == NULL) internal_error("no project");
inform_language *E = Languages::internal_English();
if (E) {
proj->language_of_play = E;
proj->language_of_syntax = E;
proj->language_of_index = E;
} else internal_error("built-in English language definition can't be found'");
@ Inform's ability to work outside of English is limited, at present, but for
the sake of future improvements we want to distinguish three uses of natural
language. In principle, a project could use different languages for each of
First, the "language of play" is the one in which dialogue is printed and parsed
at run-time.
void Projects::set_language_of_play(inform_project *proj, inform_language *L) {
if (proj == NULL) internal_error("no project");
proj->language_of_play = L;
inform_language *Projects::get_language_of_play(inform_project *proj) {
if (proj == NULL) return NULL;
return proj->language_of_play;
@ Second, the "language of index" is the one in which the Index of a project is
void Projects::set_language_of_index(inform_project *proj, inform_language *L) {
if (proj == NULL) internal_error("no project");
proj->language_of_index = L;
inform_language *Projects::get_language_of_index(inform_project *proj) {
if (proj == NULL) return NULL;
return proj->language_of_index;
@ Third, the "language of syntax" is the one in which the source text of a
project is written. For the Basic Inform extension, for example, it is English.
void Projects::set_language_of_syntax(inform_project *proj, inform_language *L) {
if (proj == NULL) internal_error("no project");
proj->language_of_syntax = L;
inform_language *Projects::get_language_of_syntax(inform_project *proj) {
if (proj == NULL) return NULL;
return proj->language_of_syntax;
@h Miscellaneous metadata.
A project marked "fix RNG" will be compiled with the random-number generator
initially set to the seed value at run-time. (This sounds like work too junior
for a build manager to do, but it's controlled by a command-line switch,
and that means it's not beneath our notice.)
void Projects::fix_rng(inform_project *project, int seed) {
project->fix_rng = seed;
@ A project with no explicit Inter kit dependencies is assumed to be meant
as a work of traditional parser IF. So, if the user does make an explicit kit
dependency, the following function is called, to tell us not to assume that:
void Projects::not_necessarily_parser_IF(inform_project *project) {
project->assumed_to_be_parser_IF = FALSE;
@ The file-system path to the project. For a "bundle" made by the Inform GUI
apps, the bundle itself is a directory (even if this is concealed from the
user on macOS) and the following returns that path. For a loose file of
Inform source text, it's the directory in which the file is found. (This is
a 2020 change of policy: previously it was the CWD. The practical difference
is small, but one likes to minimise the effect of the CWD.)
pathname *Projects::path(inform_project *project) {
if (project == NULL) return NULL;
if (project->as_copy->location_if_path)
return project->as_copy->location_if_path;
return Filenames::up(project->as_copy->location_if_file);
pathname *Projects::build_path(inform_project *project) {
if (project->as_copy->location_if_path)
return Pathnames::down(Projects::path(project), I"Build");
return Supervisor::transient();
void Projects::set_source_filename(inform_project *project, pathname *P, filename *F) {
if (P) {
filename *manifest = Filenames::in(P, I"Contents.txt");
linked_list *L = NEW_LINKED_LIST(text_stream);
TextFiles::read(manifest, FALSE,
NULL, FALSE, Projects::manifest_helper, NULL, (void *) L);
text_stream *leafname;
LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(leafname, text_stream, L) {
build_vertex *S = Graphs::file_vertex(Filenames::in(P, leafname));
S->source_source = leafname;
ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(S, build_vertex, project->source_vertices);
if ((LinkedLists::len(project->source_vertices) == 0) && (F)) {
build_vertex *S = Graphs::file_vertex(F);
S->source_source = I"your source text";
ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(S, build_vertex, project->source_vertices);
void Projects::manifest_helper(text_stream *text, text_file_position *tfp, void *state) {
linked_list *L = (linked_list *) state;
wchar_t c = Str::get_first_char(text);
if ((c == 0) || (c == '#')) return;
ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(Str::duplicate(text), text_stream, L);
linked_list *Projects::source(inform_project *project) {
if (project == NULL) return NULL;
return project->source_vertices;
typedef struct kit_dependency {
struct inform_kit *kit;
struct inform_language *because_of_language;
struct inform_kit *because_of_kit;
} kit_dependency;
void Projects::add_kit_dependency(inform_project *project, text_stream *kit_name,
inform_language *because_of_language, inform_kit *because_of_kit) {
if (Projects::uses_kit(project, kit_name)) return;
kit_dependency *kd = CREATE(kit_dependency);
kd->kit = Kits::find_by_name(kit_name, Supervisor::nest_list());
kd->because_of_language = because_of_language;
kd->because_of_kit = because_of_kit;
ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(kd, kit_dependency, project->kits_to_include);
int Projects::uses_kit(inform_project *project, text_stream *name) {
kit_dependency *kd;
LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(kd, kit_dependency, project->kits_to_include)
if (Str::eq(kd->kit->as_copy->edition->work->title, name))
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
void Projects::finalise_kit_dependencies(inform_project *project) {
Projects::add_kit_dependency(project, I"BasicInformKit", NULL, NULL);
inform_language *L = project->language_of_play;
if (L) {
text_stream *kit_name = Languages::kit_name(L);
Projects::add_kit_dependency(project, kit_name, L, NULL);
if (project->assumed_to_be_parser_IF)
Projects::add_kit_dependency(project, I"CommandParserKit", NULL, NULL);
int parity = TRUE;
@<Perform if-this-then-that@>;
parity = FALSE;
@<Perform if-this-then-that@>;
linked_list *sorted = NEW_LINKED_LIST(kit_dependency);
for (int p=0; p<100; p++) {
kit_dependency *kd;
LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(kd, kit_dependency, project->kits_to_include)
if (kd->kit->priority == p)
ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(kd, kit_dependency, sorted);
project->kits_to_include = sorted;
kit_dependency *kd;
LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(kd, kit_dependency, project->kits_to_include)
LOG("Using Inform kit '%S' (priority %d).\n", kd->kit->as_copy->edition->work->title, kd->kit->priority);
@<Perform if-this-then-that@> =
int changes_made = TRUE;
while (changes_made) {
changes_made = FALSE;
kit_dependency *kd;
LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(kd, kit_dependency, project->kits_to_include)
if (Kits::perform_ittt(kd->kit, project, parity))
changes_made = TRUE;
@ =
void Projects::load_types(inform_project *project) {
kit_dependency *kd;
LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(kd, kit_dependency, project->kits_to_include)
@h Language element activation.
Note that this function is meaningful only when this module is part of the
|inform7| executable, and it invites us to activate or deactivate language
features according to what our kits tell us.
void Projects::activate_elements(inform_project *project) {
LOG("Activate elements...\n");
kit_dependency *kd;
LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(kd, kit_dependency, project->kits_to_include)
Plugins::Manage::show(DL, "Included", TRUE);
Plugins::Manage::show(DL, "Excluded", FALSE);
int Projects::Main_defined(inform_project *project) {
kit_dependency *kd;
LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(kd, kit_dependency, project->kits_to_include)
if (kd->kit->defines_Main)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
text_stream *Projects::index_structure(inform_project *project) {
text_stream *I = NULL;
kit_dependency *kd;
LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(kd, kit_dependency, project->kits_to_include)
if (kd->kit->index_structure)
I = kd->kit->index_structure;
return I;
@ Every source text read into Inform is automatically prefixed by a few words
loading the fundamental "extensions" -- text such as "Include Basic Inform by
Graham Nelson." If Inform were a computer, this would be the BIOS which boots
up its operating system. Each kit can contribute such extensions, so there
may be multiple sentences, which we need to count up.
void Projects::early_source_text(OUTPUT_STREAM, inform_project *project) {
kit_dependency *kd;
LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(kd, kit_dependency, project->kits_to_include)
Kits::early_source_text(OUT, kd->kit);
linked_list *Projects::list_of_inter_libraries(inform_project *project) {
linked_list *requirements_list = NEW_LINKED_LIST(link_instruction);
kit_dependency *kd;
LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(kd, kit_dependency, project->kits_to_include) {
inform_kit *K = kd->kit;
link_instruction *link = CodeGen::LinkInstructions::new(
K->as_copy->location_if_path, K->attachment_point);
ADD_TO_LINKED_LIST(link, link_instruction, requirements_list);
return requirements_list;
void Projects::construct_build_target(inform_project *project, target_vm *VM,
int releasing, int compile_only) {
pathname *build_folder = Projects::build_path(project);
filename *inf_F = Filenames::in(build_folder, I"auto.inf");
build_vertex *inter_V = Graphs::file_vertex(inf_F);
Graphs::need_this_to_build(inter_V, project->as_copy->vertex);
BuildSteps::attach(inter_V, compile_using_inform7_skill,
Supervisor::nest_list(), releasing, VM, NULL, project->as_copy);
build_vertex *inf_V = Graphs::file_vertex(inf_F);
Graphs::need_this_to_build(inf_V, inter_V);
BuildSteps::attach(inf_V, code_generate_using_inter_skill,
Supervisor::nest_list(), releasing, VM, NULL, project->as_copy);
WRITE_TO(story_file_leafname, "output.%S", TargetVMs::get_unblorbed_extension(VM));
filename *unblorbed_F = Filenames::in(build_folder, story_file_leafname);
project->unblorbed_vertex = Graphs::file_vertex(unblorbed_F);
Graphs::need_this_to_build(project->unblorbed_vertex, inf_V);
BuildSteps::attach(project->unblorbed_vertex, compile_using_inform6_skill,
Supervisor::nest_list(), releasing, VM, NULL, project->as_copy);
WRITE_TO(story_file_leafname2, "output.%S", TargetVMs::get_blorbed_extension(VM));
filename *blorbed_F = Filenames::in(build_folder, story_file_leafname2);
project->blorbed_vertex = Graphs::file_vertex(blorbed_F);
project->blorbed_vertex->always_build_this = TRUE;
Graphs::need_this_to_build(project->blorbed_vertex, project->unblorbed_vertex);
BuildSteps::attach(project->blorbed_vertex, package_using_inblorb_skill,
Supervisor::nest_list(), releasing, VM, NULL, project->as_copy);
if (compile_only) {
project->chosen_build_target = inf_V;
inf_V->always_build_this = TRUE;
} else if (releasing) project->chosen_build_target = project->blorbed_vertex;
else project->chosen_build_target = project->unblorbed_vertex;
void Projects::graph_dependent_kit(inform_project *project, build_vertex *V, kit_dependency *kd, int use) {
build_vertex *KV = kd->kit->as_copy->vertex;
if (use) Graphs::need_this_to_use(V, KV);
else Graphs::need_this_to_build(V, KV);
kit_dependency *kd2;
LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(kd2, kit_dependency, project->kits_to_include)
if ((kd2->because_of_kit == kd->kit) && (kd2->because_of_language == NULL))
Projects::graph_dependent_kit(project, KV, kd2, TRUE);
void Projects::graph_dependent_language(inform_project *project, build_vertex *V, inform_language *L, int use) {
build_vertex *LV = L->as_copy->vertex;
if (use) Graphs::need_this_to_use(V, LV);
else Graphs::need_this_to_build(V, LV);
kit_dependency *kd2;
LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(kd2, kit_dependency, project->kits_to_include)
if ((kd2->because_of_kit == NULL) && (kd2->because_of_language == L))
Projects::graph_dependent_kit(project, LV, kd2, TRUE);
void Projects::construct_graph(inform_project *project) {
if (project == NULL) return;
build_vertex *V = project->as_copy->vertex;
build_vertex *S;
LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(S, build_vertex, project->source_vertices) {
Graphs::need_this_to_build(V, S);
kit_dependency *kd;
LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(kd, kit_dependency, project->kits_to_include)
if ((kd->because_of_kit == NULL) && (kd->because_of_language == NULL))
Projects::graph_dependent_kit(project, V, kd, FALSE);
inform_language *L = project->language_of_play;
if (L) Projects::graph_dependent_language(project, V, L, FALSE);
L = project->language_of_syntax;
if (L) Projects::graph_dependent_language(project, V, L, FALSE);
L = project->language_of_index;
if (L) Projects::graph_dependent_language(project, V, L, FALSE);
@e BadTitleSentence_SYNERROR
void Projects::read_source_text_for(inform_project *project) {
parse_node *inclusions_heading = ParseTree::new(HEADING_NT);
Feeds::feed_text_expanding_strings(L"Implied inclusions"));
ParseTree::insert_sentence(project->syntax_tree, inclusions_heading);
ParseTree::annotate_int(inclusions_heading, sentence_unparsed_ANNOT, FALSE);
ParseTree::annotate_int(inclusions_heading, heading_level_ANNOT, 0);
ParseTree::annotate_int(inclusions_heading, implied_heading_ANNOT, TRUE);
Headings::declare(project->syntax_tree, inclusions_heading);
int wc = lexer_wordcount;
Projects::early_source_text(early, project);
if (Str::len(early) > 0) Feeds::feed_stream(early);
inbuild_nest *E = Supervisor::external();
if (E) Projects::read_further_mandatory_text(
Filenames::in(E->location, I"Options.txt"));
wording early_W = Wordings::new(wc, lexer_wordcount-1);
int l = ParseTree::push_attachment_point(project->syntax_tree, inclusions_heading);
Sentences::break_into_project_copy(project->syntax_tree, early_W, project->as_copy);
ParseTree::pop_attachment_point(project->syntax_tree, l);
wc = lexer_wordcount;
int start_set = FALSE;
linked_list *L = Projects::source(project);
if (L) {
build_vertex *N;
LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(N, build_vertex, L) {
filename *F = N->as_file;
if (start_set == FALSE) {
start_set = TRUE;
N->as_source_file = SourceText::read_file(project->as_copy, F, N->source_source,
l = ParseTree::push_attachment_point(project->syntax_tree, project->syntax_tree->root_node);
Sentences::break_into_project_copy(project->syntax_tree, Wordings::new(wc, lexer_wordcount-1), project->as_copy);
ParseTree::pop_attachment_point(project->syntax_tree, l);
l = ParseTree::push_attachment_point(project->syntax_tree, project->syntax_tree->root_node);
parse_node *implicit_heading = ParseTree::new(HEADING_NT);
ParseTree::set_text(implicit_heading, Feeds::feed_text_expanding_strings(L"Invented sentences"));
ParseTree::insert_sentence(project->syntax_tree, implicit_heading);
ParseTree::annotate_int(implicit_heading, sentence_unparsed_ANNOT, FALSE);
ParseTree::annotate_int(implicit_heading, heading_level_ANNOT, 0);
Headings::declare(project->syntax_tree, implicit_heading);
ParseTree::pop_attachment_point(project->syntax_tree, l);
ParseTree::push_attachment_point(project->syntax_tree, implicit_heading);
Inclusions::traverse(project->as_copy, project->syntax_tree);
Headings::satisfy_dependencies(project->syntax_tree, project->as_copy);
Copies::list_attached_errors(STDERR, project->as_copy);
@ It might seem sensible to parse the opening sentence of the source text,
the bibliographic sentence giving title and author, by looking at the result
of sentence-breaking above. But this isn't fast enough, because the sentence
also specifies the language used, and we need to know of any non-Engkish
choice immediately. So a special hook in the |syntax| module calls the
following routine as soon as |BIBLIOGRAPHIC_NT| sentence is found; thus,
it happens during the call to |Sentences::break| above.
@ =
void Projects::notify_of_bibliographic_sentence(inform_project *project, parse_node *PN) {
wording W = ParseTree::get_text(PN);
if (<titling-line>(W)) {
text_stream *T = project->as_copy->edition->work->title;
if (project->as_copy->edition->work->author_name == NULL)
project->as_copy->edition->work->author_name = Str::new();
text_stream *A = project->as_copy->edition->work->author_name;
inform_language *L = <<rp>>;
if (L) {
Projects::set_language_of_play(project, L);
LOG("Language of play: %S\n", L->as_copy->edition->work->title);
@<Extract title and author name wording@>;
@<Dequote the title and, perhaps, author name@>;
} else {
copy_error *CE = CopyErrors::new(SYNTAX_CE, BadTitleSentence_SYNERROR);
CopyErrors::supply_node(CE, PN);
Copies::attach_error(project->as_copy, CE);
@ This is what the top line of the main source text should look like, if it's
to declare the title and author.
<titling-line> ::=
<plain-titling-line> ( in <natural-language> ) | ==> R[1]; *XP = RP[2];
<plain-titling-line> ==> R[1]; *XP = NULL;
<plain-titling-line> ::=
{<quoted-text-without-subs>} by ... | ==> TRUE
{<quoted-text-without-subs>} ==> FALSE
@<Extract title and author name wording@> =
wording TW = GET_RW(<plain-titling-line>, 1);
if (<<r>>) AW = GET_RW(<plain-titling-line>, 2);
WRITE_TO(T, "%+W", TW);
if (Wordings::nonempty(AW)) {
WRITE_TO(A, "%+W", AW);
@ The author is sometimes given outside of quotation marks:
>> "The Large Scale Structure of Space-Time" by Lindsay Lohan
But not always:
>> "Greek Rural Postmen and Their Cancellation Numbers" by "will.i.am"
@<Dequote the title and, perhaps, author name@> =
if ((Str::get_first_char(T) == '\"') && (Str::get_last_char(T) == '\"')) {
LOG("Title: %S\n", T);
if ((Str::get_first_char(A) == '\"') && (Str::get_last_char(A) == '\"')) {
if (Str::len(A) > 0) LOG("Author: %S\n", A);
@ When Inform reads the (optional!) Options file, very early in its run, it
tries to obey any use options in the file right away -- earlier even than
<structural-sentence>. It spots these, very crudely, as sentences which
match the following (that is, which start with "use"). Note the final full
stop -- it's needed before sentence-breaking has even taken place.
<use-option-sentence-shape> ::=
use ... .
wording options_file_wording = EMPTY_WORDING_INIT;
void Projects::read_further_mandatory_text(filename *F) {
feed_t id = Feeds::begin();
TextFiles::read(F, TRUE,
NULL, FALSE, Projects::read_further_mandatory_text_helper, NULL, NULL);
options_file_wording = Feeds::end(id);
void Projects::read_further_mandatory_text_helper(text_stream *line,
text_file_position *tfp, void *unused_state) {
WRITE_TO(line, "\n");
wording W = Feeds::feed_stream(line);
if (<use-option-sentence-shape>(W)) {
UseOptions::set_immediate_option_flags(W, NULL);
int Projects::draws_from_source_file(inform_project *project, source_file *sf) {
linked_list *L = Projects::source(project);
if (L) {
build_vertex *N;
LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(N, build_vertex, L)
if (sf == N->as_source_file)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;