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inform7/inbuild/supervisor-module/Chapter 7/Documentation Tree.w

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[DocumentationTree::] Documentation Tree.
A data structure to hold segments of Inform resource documentation.
@h The tree itself.
We will store the content in a heterogeneous tree: see //foundation: Trees//.
tree_type *cdoc_tree_TT = NULL; /* The only tree type we use in this section */
*heading_TNT = NULL,
*example_TNT = NULL,
*passage_TNT = NULL,
*phrase_defn_TNT = NULL,
*paragraph_TNT = NULL,
*code_sample_TNT = NULL,
*code_line_TNT = NULL,
*source_error_TNT = NULL;
heterogeneous_tree *DocumentationTree::new(void) {
if (cdoc_tree_TT == NULL) {
cdoc_tree_TT = Trees::new_type(I"documentation tree",
heading_TNT = Trees::new_node_type(I"heading", cdoc_heading_CLASS,
example_TNT = Trees::new_node_type(I"example", cdoc_example_CLASS,
passage_TNT = Trees::new_node_type(I"passage", cdoc_passage_CLASS,
phrase_defn_TNT = Trees::new_node_type(I"phrase defn", cdoc_phrase_defn_CLASS,
paragraph_TNT = Trees::new_node_type(I"paragraph", cdoc_paragraph_CLASS,
code_sample_TNT = Trees::new_node_type(I"code sample", cdoc_code_sample_CLASS,
code_line_TNT = Trees::new_node_type(I"line", cdoc_code_line_CLASS,
source_error_TNT = Trees::new_node_type(I"error", cdoc_source_error_CLASS,
heterogeneous_tree *tree = Trees::new(cdoc_tree_TT);
Trees::make_root(tree, DocumentationTree::new_heading(tree, I"(root)", NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0));
return tree;
@ The root of the tree is required to be a heading node.
int DocumentationTree::verify_root(tree_node *N) {
if ((N == NULL) || (N->type != heading_TNT) || (N->next))
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
@ Heading nodes are used for the root (which has ID 0 and level 0) and then for
all chapter and section headings (which have levels 1 and 2 respectively). All
ID numbers are unique. The root heading is the only one with an empty "count",
which is otherwise something like |5| (chapter 5) or |3.4| (section 4 in chapter 3).
typedef struct cdoc_heading {
struct text_stream *count;
struct text_stream *name;
struct text_stream *recognition_name;
int level; /* 0 = root, 1 = chapter, 2 = section */
int ID;
} cdoc_heading;
tree_node *DocumentationTree::new_heading(heterogeneous_tree *tree,
text_stream *title, text_stream *recognise_as, int level, int ID, int cc, int sc) {
cdoc_heading *H = CREATE(cdoc_heading);
H->count = Str::new();
if (cc > 0) WRITE_TO(H->count, "%d", cc);
if ((cc > 0) && (sc > 0)) WRITE_TO(H->count, ".");
if (sc > 0) WRITE_TO(H->count, "%d", sc);
H->name = Str::duplicate(title);
H->recognition_name = Str::duplicate(recognise_as);
H->level = level;
H->ID = ID;
return Trees::new_node(tree, heading_TNT, STORE_POINTER_cdoc_heading(H));
@ A heading node can only have headings or examples as children, except that
it can have a single passage node as its first child. If so, this is introductory
int DocumentationTree::heading_verifier(tree_node *N) {
for (tree_node *C = N->child; C; C = C->next) {
if ((C->type != heading_TNT) && (C->type != example_TNT) && (C->type != passage_TNT))
return FALSE;
if ((C->type == passage_TNT) && (C->next)) return FALSE;
return TRUE;
@ Example nodes are used for the lettered examples in a documentation segment.
They have a "difficulty rating" in stars, 0 to 4. Numbers are unique from 1, 2, ...;
letters are unique from A, B, C, ...
typedef struct cdoc_example {
struct text_stream *name;
struct text_stream *description;
int star_count;
int number;
char letter;
} cdoc_example;
tree_node *DocumentationTree::new_example(heterogeneous_tree *tree,
text_stream *title, text_stream *desc, int star_count, int ecount) {
cdoc_example *E = CREATE(cdoc_example);
E->name = Str::duplicate(title);
E->description = Str::duplicate(desc);
E->star_count = star_count;
E->number = ecount;
E->letter = 'A' + (char) ecount - 1;
return Trees::new_node(tree, example_TNT, STORE_POINTER_cdoc_example(E));
@ An example node always has a single child: the passage containing its content.
int DocumentationTree::example_verifier(tree_node *N) {
if ((N->child == NULL) || (N->child->type != passage_TNT) || (N->child->next))
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
@ Passage nodes contain passages of documentation which fall under examples
or headings.
typedef struct cdoc_passage {
} cdoc_passage;
tree_node *DocumentationTree::new_passage(heterogeneous_tree *tree) {
cdoc_passage *P = CREATE(cdoc_passage);
return Trees::new_node(tree, passage_TNT, STORE_POINTER_cdoc_passage(P));
@ A passage node is essentially a holder for a mixed list of paragraphs,
indented code samples and phrase definitions.
int DocumentationTree::passage_verifier(tree_node *N) {
for (tree_node *C = N->child; C; C = C->next)
if ((C->type != paragraph_TNT) &&
(C->type != code_sample_TNT) &&
(C->type != phrase_defn_TNT) &&
(C->type != source_error_TNT))
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
@ Phrase definition nodes contain little dashed inset boxes formally describing
phrases. The "tag" is optional and is for potential cross-referencing; the
"prototype" is the Inform source text for the phrase definition.
typedef struct cdoc_phrase_defn {
struct text_stream *tag;
struct text_stream *prototype;
} cdoc_phrase_defn;
tree_node *DocumentationTree::new_phrase_defn(heterogeneous_tree *tree,
text_stream *tag, text_stream *prototype) {
cdoc_phrase_defn *P = CREATE(cdoc_phrase_defn);
P->tag = Str::duplicate(tag);
P->prototype = Str::duplicate(prototype);
return Trees::new_node(tree, phrase_defn_TNT, STORE_POINTER_cdoc_phrase_defn(P));
@ An phrase defn node always has a single child: the passage containing its content.
int DocumentationTree::phrase_defn_verifier(tree_node *N) {
if ((N->child == NULL) || (N->child->type != passage_TNT) || (N->child->next))
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
@ A paragraph node holds a body paragraph of text. It has no children.
typedef struct cdoc_paragraph {
struct text_stream *content;
} cdoc_paragraph;
tree_node *DocumentationTree::new_paragraph(heterogeneous_tree *tree,
text_stream *content) {
cdoc_paragraph *P = CREATE(cdoc_paragraph);
P->content = Str::duplicate(content);
return Trees::new_node(tree, paragraph_TNT, STORE_POINTER_cdoc_paragraph(P));
int DocumentationTree::paragraph_verifier(tree_node *N) {
if (N->child) return FALSE; /* This must be a leaf node */
return TRUE;
@ A code sample node holds a single code sample.
typedef struct cdoc_code_sample {
int with_paste_marker;
struct tree_node *continuation;
struct programming_language *language;
} cdoc_code_sample;
tree_node *DocumentationTree::new_code_sample(heterogeneous_tree *tree, int paste_me,
programming_language *language) {
cdoc_code_sample *C = CREATE(cdoc_code_sample);
C->with_paste_marker = paste_me;
C->continuation = NULL;
C->language = language;
return Trees::new_node(tree, code_sample_TNT, STORE_POINTER_cdoc_code_sample(C));
@ A code sample's children form a list of code lines.
int DocumentationTree::code_sample_verifier(tree_node *N) {
for (tree_node *C = N->child; C; C = C->next)
if (C->type != code_line_TNT)
return FALSE;
if (N->child == NULL) return FALSE;
return TRUE;
@ A code line node holds a single line of code, and has no children. The
indentation is relative to the start of the code sample, so usually starts
at 0, and is measured in tab stops.
typedef struct cdoc_code_line {
struct text_stream *content;
struct text_stream *colouring;
int indentation;
int tabular;
} cdoc_code_line;
tree_node *DocumentationTree::new_code_line(heterogeneous_tree *tree,
text_stream *content, int indentation, int tabular) {
cdoc_code_line *C = CREATE(cdoc_code_line);
C->content = Str::duplicate(content);
C->colouring = Str::new();
C->indentation = indentation;
C->tabular = tabular;
return Trees::new_node(tree, code_line_TNT, STORE_POINTER_cdoc_code_line(C));
int DocumentationTree::code_line_verifier(tree_node *N) {
if (N->child) return FALSE; /* This must be a leaf node */
return TRUE;
@ An error node holds a single error message, and has no children.
typedef struct cdoc_source_error {
struct text_stream *error_message;
} cdoc_source_error;
tree_node *DocumentationTree::new_source_error(heterogeneous_tree *tree,
text_stream *content) {
cdoc_source_error *E = CREATE(cdoc_source_error);
E->error_message = Str::duplicate(content);
return Trees::new_node(tree, source_error_TNT, STORE_POINTER_cdoc_source_error(E));
int DocumentationTree::source_error_verifier(tree_node *N) {
if (N->child) return FALSE; /* This must be a leaf node */
return TRUE;
@ This utility function returns the |eg|th example node, if it exists, and |NULL|
if not.
tree_node *DocumentationTree::find_example(heterogeneous_tree *T, int eg) {
if (eg < 1) return NULL;
dc_find_example_task task;
task.to_find_example = eg;
task.to_find_heading = NULL;
task.to_find_section = NULL;
task.result = NULL;
Trees::traverse_from(T->root, &DocumentationTree::find_visit, (void *) &task, 0);
return task.result;
tree_node *DocumentationTree::find_chapter(heterogeneous_tree *T, int ch) {
if (ch < 1) return NULL;
dc_find_example_task task;
task.to_find_example = 0;
task.to_find_heading = Str::new(); WRITE_TO(task.to_find_heading, "%d", ch);
task.to_find_section = NULL;
task.result = NULL;
Trees::traverse_from(T->root, &DocumentationTree::find_visit, (void *) &task, 0);
return task.result;
tree_node *DocumentationTree::find_section(heterogeneous_tree *T, text_stream *name) {
if (Str::len(name) == 0) return NULL;
dc_find_example_task task;
task.to_find_example = 0;
task.to_find_heading = NULL;
task.to_find_section = name;
task.result = NULL;
Trees::traverse_from(T->root, &DocumentationTree::find_visit, (void *) &task, 0);
return task.result;
typedef struct dc_find_example_task {
int to_find_example;
struct text_stream *to_find_heading;
struct text_stream *to_find_section;
struct tree_node *result;
} dc_find_example_task;
int DocumentationTree::find_visit(tree_node *N, void *state, int L) {
dc_find_example_task *task = (dc_find_example_task *) state;
if (task->result) return FALSE;
if ((task->to_find_example > 0) && (N->type == example_TNT)) {
cdoc_example *E = RETRIEVE_POINTER_cdoc_example(N->content);
if (E->number == task->to_find_example) {
task->result = N;
return FALSE;
if ((task->to_find_heading) && (N->type == heading_TNT)) {
cdoc_heading *E = RETRIEVE_POINTER_cdoc_heading(N->content);
if ((E->level == 1) && (Str::eq(E->count, task->to_find_heading))) {
task->result = N;
return FALSE;
if ((task->to_find_section) && (N->type == heading_TNT)) {
cdoc_heading *E = RETRIEVE_POINTER_cdoc_heading(N->content);
if ((E->level == 2) && (Str::eq_insensitive(E->recognition_name, task->to_find_section))) {
task->result = N;
return FALSE;
return TRUE;