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inform7/inform6/Tests/Test Cases/library_of_horror.inf
2022-03-06 23:37:05 +00:00

778 lines
29 KiB
Executable file

!% -~S
! The very first lines of the main source code file for a game can contain compiler options, like the two lines above.
! -~S disables strict error checking. This is otherwise used in z5 and z8 games by default. While useful for debugging,
! it adds ~10 KB to the story file size and it makes the game slower.
! $OMIT_UNUSED_ROUTINES=1 makes the compiler remove all routines which aren't used. This can save some space.
! XXX Shifted $OMIT_UNUSED_ROUTINES to the runtest.py script.
! Library_of_horror.inf - a sample game which uses PunyInform
! ====================================
! Setup constants to customize PunyInform
! ====================================
! Uncomment to add optional features to PunyLib
!Constant DEBUG;
Constant RUNTIME_ERRORS = 0; ! 0 = Minimal error checking, 1 = Numeric error codes, 2: Error messages
Constant INITIAL_LOCATION_VALUE = GloomyStreet;
Constant Story "The Library Of Horror";
Constant Headline "^A PunyInform demo game, by Pablo Martinez and Fredrik Ramsberg.^";
Release 4;
Constant MAX_SCORE = 100;
Constant NUMBER_TASKS = 5;
Array task_scores -> 10 20 20 50 20;
Constant TASK_GIVE_BOOK = 1;
Constant TASK_BLOCK_ROBOT = 2;
Constant TASK_BURN_BOOK = 3;
Constant TASK_LEAVE = 4;
! ====================================
! Include globals.h
! ====================================
Include "globals.h";
! ====================================
! Define library entry routines
! ====================================
[ PrintRank;
print ", earning you the rank of ";
if (score >= 100) "Hero.";
if (score >= 70) "Brave.";
if (score >= 50) "Trustworthy.";
if (score >= 30) "Promising.";
if (score >= 10) "Well-meaning.";
[ PrintTaskName task_number;
switch (task_number) {
TASK_TALK_MANAGER: "talking to the manager";
TASK_GIVE_BOOK: "giving the manager the book";
TASK_BLOCK_ROBOT: "obstructing the robot";
TASK_BURN_BOOK: "burning the evil book";
TASK_LEAVE: "leaving the library";
[ DeathMessage;
switch(deadflag) {
3: print "You have summoned demons set to destroy the world";
4: print "You have been incinerated";
! The dictionary only holds six characters in z3 games, so we need to help print verbs longer than this.
[PrintVerb p_verb;
switch(p_verb) {
'blindfold': print "blindfold"; rtrue;
! ====================================
! Setup flags
! ====================================
Constant FLAG_COUNT = 5;
Constant F_BOOK_DELIVERED = 2;
Constant F_STARTED_FIRE = 3;
Include "ext_flags.h";
! ====================================
! Setup cheap scenery
! ====================================
"Better just leave it alone and get on with the task at hand.";
Include "ext_cheap_scenery.h";
! ====================================
! Setup quote box
! ====================================
Include "ext_quote_box.h";
Array quote_stairs static --> 5 34
"It is by going down into the abyss"
"that we recover the treasures of"
"life. Where you stumble, there"
"lies your treasure."
" -- Joseph Campbell";
Array quote_darkchamber static --> 6 35
"Light thinks it travels faster than"
"anything but it is wrong. No matter"
"how fast light travels, it finds"
"the darkness has always got there"
"first, and is waiting for it."
" -- Terry Pratchett";
! ====================================
! Include puny.h
! ====================================
Include "puny.h";
! ====================================
! Classes, verbs etc for game
! ====================================
! -- testing scope grammar token
! See: https://www.inform-fiction.org/manual/html/s32.html
! Burn is available in the extended verb set, but we'll define it here instead of adding the weight of all those new verbs.
! Also, we want it to work a little differently from the way it works in the library - the player shouldn't have to
! carry the candles to burn the book.
[ BurnSub;
"That seems dangerous and pointless.";
Verb 'burn' 'light'
* noun -> Burn
* noun 'with' noun -> Burn;
[ CoverSub;
"That seems pointless.";
Extend only 'cover' replace
* noun 'with'/'using' held -> Cover;
Verb 'blindfold' = 'cover';
Extend 'put' first
* held 'on' creature -> Cover reverse
* held 'over' noun -> Cover reverse;
[ TalkToSub;
print_ret (The) noun, " doesn't seem interested.";
Verb 'talk' 'report'
* 'to' creature -> TalkTo;
! ====================================
! The following code, heavily inspired by the cheap_scenery extension, allows the player to ask
! questions like "WHAT IS A LIBRARY" without using an object for each question.
! ====================================
[ QueryTopic;
switch (scope_stage) {
1: rfalse;
2: ScopeWithin(WhatIsTopics); rtrue;
3: "You haven't the faintest.";
[ QuerySub; noun.description();];
Verb 'what' * 'is'/'was' scope=QueryTopic -> Query;
Class MultiTopic
number 0,
parse_name [ _w1 _w2 _i _sw1 _sw2 _len;
_w1 = NextWordStopped();
_w2 = NextWordStopped();
_i = 0;
_len = self.#topics / 2;
if(_len % 3 > 0)
"ERROR: multi_topic topics property of ", (the) self," has incorrect # of values!^";
if(_len % 3 > 0)
"ERROR: multi_topic #1!^";
while(_i < _len) {
_sw1 = self.&topics-->(_i+2);
if(~~(_sw1 ofclass String or Routine))
"ERROR: Element ", _i+2, " in multi_topic topics property of ", (the) self," is not a string or routine!^",
"Element: ", (name) _sw1, "^";
if(~~(_sw1 ofclass String or Routine))
"ERROR: multi_topic #2!^";
_i = _i + 3;
_i = 0;
while(_i < _len) {
_sw1 = self.&topics-->_i;
_sw2 = self.&topics-->(_i+1);
if(_w1 == _sw1 && _w2 == _sw2) {
self.number = _i;
return 2;
if(_w1 == _sw1 or _sw2) {
self.number = _i;
return 1;
_i = _i + 3;
! It would make sense to return 0 here, but property
! routines return 0 by default anyway.
description [ _k;
_k = self.&topics-->(self.number + 2);
if(_k ofclass Routine) {
print_ret (string) _k;
Object WhatIsTopics "WhatIsTopics";
MultiTopic -> WhatIsTopic_1 "topic"
1 'library' "A library is venue where books are kept and people can borrow said books."
1 'grue' "A grue is a sinister creature lurking in the dark. If anyone has actually seen a grue,
they have not lived long enough to tell the tale."
1 'manager' "Library managers oversee the daily activities and functions of a library.";
! ====================================
! The rooms and game objects start here.
! ====================================
Object GloomyStreet "Gloomy Street"
"The houses in this area seem hastily abandoned as if a mysterious tragedy had sown
panic among its former inhabitants. All you see are shattered windows and ripped doors.
In front of you, to the south, is the strangely well preserved and beautiful
library building where you have to work.",
'windows' 'doors' "Remains of a distant and mysterious tragedy!"
'houses' 'street' "Creepy and abandoned."
1 'library' "It's a beautiful building. Looks like 19th century Art Nouveau architecture to you.",
s_to Library,
cant_go "Your work is to the south, though you are tempted to go home and forget all about it.",
after [;
deadflag = 2;
"^You leave the library with mixed feelings. On the one hand, you're glad
to be done with your modest task and to get out of this gloomy neighbourhood.
On the other hand, there's something about that library that makes your hair
stand on end.
^^Oh well. Maybe it's better to forget about it and enjoy a quiet afternoon in your flat.";
"^You managed to escape the burning building just in time! As you catch your breath
on the street slabs, you watch the walls blackened by the flames, the door falling
to pieces on the floor and the windows bursting in the heat.
^^A sound reaches you, distant but discernible, beyond the crackling of the flames.
It is a sinister laugh, echoing through the lonely streets, the laughter of the
library manager.
^^Terrified, you walk away from that place, never to return. In the future,
you'll be more careful about the jobs you choose.";
has light;
Object Library "The Library"
description [;
"You watch in horror as the flames reach the books, climbing the shelves
and turning each volume into a fireball. To the east is the interior
of the building, and to the north, you can escape to the outside.";
"The library seems surprisingly large inside. Tens of thousands of valuable antique
volumes line the high shelves. The air feels charged with dust and the smell of antiquity.
^^To the east, it is possible to go deeper into the building. To the north is the exit to the outside.";
'volumes' 'books' "One could spend a lifetime reading only a fraction of the books in this room."
'shelf' 'shelves' "Full of every conceivable book in this world."
1 'library' "It's a beautiful old library.",
n_to GloomyStreet,
e_to TopOfStairs,
cant_go "You'd love to explore the library, but you have other things on your mind right now.",
has light;
Object -> Manager "library manager"
article "the",
"Although at first glance he looks like a normal middle-aged man, something is
unsettling about this person. Perhaps it is the fact that he wears black or
the constant movement of his eyes and his whispers to himself. Or maybe it is
the mysterious and arcane looking symbols hanging over his whole body.",
describe [;
print "^The manager of the library is here, deeply concentrated on the arrangement of one of the shelves";
if(FlagIsClear(F_TALKED_TO_MANAGER)) print ". Perhaps you should talk to him and ask him about the job";
parse_name [ _w1;
_w1 = NextWordStopped();
if(_w1 == 'manager') return 1;
if(_w1 == 'library' && NextWordStopped() == 'manager') return 2;
before [;
if(FlagIsClear(F_TALKED_TO_MANAGER)) {
"He looks up from the shelf in surprise. When he sees you, he smiles (there is
something unsettling about his smile) and says: ~Wow! I forgot you were coming
today. You're the new assistant, right? I imagined you taller. Never mind! I
won't be able to spend much time with you today. You'd better come tomorrow.~
^^Just as you're about to leave the library upset, you hear his voice again.
~Wait! Maybe I do need you. There's a book I need, Where the Wild Things Are
by Maurice Sendak. I must have left it in the repair shop in the basement.
Frank the Robot is down there. He'll help you find it.~
^^After saying this, he turns his back on you and continues to arrange the shelf.
^^(Did he mention... a robot?)";
} else
"~Can't you see I'm busy? I can't waste my time with nonsense! Ask Frank for help!~
^^Once again, he directs his attention to the fascinating shelf.";
life [;
Ask, Tell, Show:
<<Give noun self>>;
<<TalkTo self>>;
if(noun==WildThingsBook) {
remove noun;
scope_modified = true;
"When you approach the manager, for a moment, he seems ready to get angry about
the interruption, but his face lights up when he sees the book in your hand.
^^~Great! You've done exactly what I asked!~
^^In confidence, he adds: ~I'm glad you didn't waste your time with things that
are none of your business. It makes me trust you more.~
^^He pats you on the back twice and says: ~Come first thing tomorrow. We'll
start working for real.~ And again he turns towards the shelf.";
has animate;
Object TopOfStairs "Staircase Leading Down"
description [;
"The fire has reached the dusty little room! The boxes and their contents are burning
too. From the stairs and from the library to the west comes the sound of the
crackling of the flames. How could it spread so quickly?";
"This is a small, dusty room, with some boxes piled up and stairs leading down to the
dark basement. A beam of light comes from the west, leading to the main hall of the library,";
'beam' 'light' "The light beam stands out clearly in the darkness of the room."
'box' 'boxes' "The boxes are full of books waiting to be placed on their shelves. There's
nothing here that would interest you."
1 'stairs' "The stairs lead towars the darkness of the basement.",
before [;
if(selected_direction==d_to) {
"You have no business running around in the basement. Better go talk to the library manager instead,
to find out where you're needed.";
"You're done for today, and the library manager told you to go home. Better not go snooping around
in the basement.";
if(self hasnt general) {
give self general;
w_to Library,
d_to BottomOfStairs,
has light;
Object BottomOfStairs "Basement, Near Staircase"
description [;
"The walls of the corridor burn fiercely, from the stairs going up to the room
to the east. The heat is suffocating.";
"It's nearly dark here, since the lamp in the ceiling is missing its light bulb.
However, there's enough light coming in from the stairs to make
out your surroundings. There is more light to the east.";
u_to TopOfStairs,
e_to Hallway,
has light;
! Data that Frank needs to print where he came from.
Array opposite_directions static table "south" "north" "west" "east" "southwest" "southeast" "northwest" "northeast"
"down" "up" "out" "in";
Array opposite_directions static table "south" "north" "west" "east" "down" "up" "out" "in";
Object -> Frank "Frank the Robot"
number 0,
name 'frank' 'the' 'robot',
when_off [; ! The first time the player spots Frank, he turns on automatically and his daemon is started.
give self on;
give self moved;
"Frank the Robot is standing here, all dark and quiet. As you enter the room,
some LEDs light up, and Frank's eyes start to glow with a feeble yellow light.
Its voice begins to sound with bizarre metallic courtesy. ~Hey, hello, sir!
You must be the new employee, right? My name is Frank, short for Frankfurter
Gelenkroboter 2100. But please, just call me Frank. I'm here to help
you in your search for the book.~";
before [;
"~My apologies, sir, my understanding of spoken language is not ideal, but they
will undoubtedly improve this aspect in the next software update!~";
"A bright light arc juts out from near the button and the electric shock makes
you jump back. ~I wouldn't advise it, sir.~";
if(second==Box) {
"But the box isn't empty!";
move Box to self;
scope_modified = true;
self.number = 3; ! Make the box stay in place this many moves minus one.
"You take advantage of a moment when Frank doesn't look in your direction
and quickly place the box on it. The robot loses its cool and starts
spinning, while its voice sounds muffled from the inside. ~Sir, I seem
to have a problem with my sensors! Give me a few moments to fix it!~";
"It doesn't look like it would fit.";
react_before [;
if(location == StorageRoom && selected_direction == e_to && FlagIsClear(F_FRANK_BLOCKED_BY_BOX)) {
print "Frank rolls up in front of you, blocking your path. ";
if(self hasnt general) {
give self general;
"~Oh, sir, forgive my rudeness, but I beg you not to enter this room.
It is not safe. And besides, there's nothing unusual to see in
there. Nothing at all. It's an incredibly dull room.~ Its
voice becomes deep and threatening for a second. ~So I strongly
advise you not to insist.~";
"~Please, sir, don't insist. There's nothing to see there.~";
daemon [ _my_loc _i _dir_prop _dir_count;
! Frank may want to say something about the box
if(Frank in location)
print "^Frank's going around like crazy trying to get free in vain.^";
if(--self.number == 0) {
remove Box;
scope_modified = true;
if(Frank in location)
"^From one of the robot's arms comes a kind of blade that cuts the box
in half. Once released, it rises another of its arms, and a flame of
fire comes out that turns the cardboard into ashes.
^^~Oh, hahaha, you won't believe it, sir! It looks like I had a cardboard
box on top of me. What a silly oversight on my part!~";
"^From some other room, you hear the sound of the cardboard box falling to
the floor and then what sounds like a quick burst of fire.";
! Frank wants to follow the player around, but can't go up/down/in/out
_my_loc = parent(self);
if(location ~= _my_loc){
_dir_count = DIRECTION_COUNT - 4; ! Skip the last 4 directions (u_to, d_to, in_to, out_to)
for(_i=1 : _i <= _dir_count : _i++) {
_dir_prop = direction_properties_array-->_i;
if(_my_loc provides _dir_prop && _my_loc._dir_prop == location) {
move self to location;
scope_modified = true;
print "^Frank enters from the ", (string) opposite_directions-->_i, ".^";
if (location == RepairShop && WildThingsBook in Box && Box in location &&
print "^~Oh, here it is, sir! The book that the master asked for! Right
inside that cardboard box!~^";
if(location == DarkChamber) {
print "^When it sees you inside the room, it starts to get nervous.
~Oh, no, no, no, sir! It's not right for you to be here! There's
nothing to see here, really. Let me escort you.~ And he pushes you out
gently but firmly.^";
move self to StorageRoom;
life [;
Ask, Tell, Show:
<<TalkTo self>>;
description [;
print "Frank looks like a cross between a bunch of stacked toasters and a phlegmatic
English butler. Something tells you it's better not to anger it: Some parts of its
anatomy look very much like weapons.^";
return 2;
has animate proper switchable transparent;
Object Hallway "Hallway"
description [;
"The walls of the corridor burn fiercely, from the stairs to the west to the room to
the south. The heat is suffocating.";
"A wide hallway leads from the stairs to the west to another room to the south. There
are some dusty doors along the walls, but they have all been nailed shut a long time ago.";
cheap_scenery 'door' 'doors' "Regular doors, but old and worn, with some cobweb on them.",
w_to BottomOfStairs,
s_to StorageRoom,
has light;
Object StorageRoom "Storage Room"
description [;
if(FlagIsSet(F_STARTED_FIRE)) "The fire has arrived to the storage room as well,
turning the cobwebs and dust to ash. ";
print "A large storage room, which is now empty except for cobweb and dust. ";
"Some light is coming from the north and west. A smaller, dark passage leads east. There's a
yellow sign above the dark passage.";
before [;
if(selected_direction==e_to && self hasnt general) {
give self general;
'dust' 'cobweb' "Doesn't look like this part of the basement is ever cleaned."
'yellow' 'sign' "~Dangerous area! Keep out!~",
n_to Hallway,
w_to RepairShop,
e_to DarkChamber,
has light;
Object RepairShop "Repair Shop"
description [;
if(FlagIsSet(F_STARTED_FIRE)) "Here, too, the workbench has begun to burn, along with the walls and tools.
The only way out is to the east.";
"This is a smaller room, with a workbench and various specialized tools. The whole room
is quite clean. There's an exit to the east.";
'bench' 'workbench' "It's an old and worn workbench."
'specialized' 'tools' "The tools are for repairing books, you can tell that much (but not much else than that).",
e_to StorageRoom,
has light;
Object -> Box "cardboard box"
name 'cardboard' 'box',
description "It's an old and worn box, albeit in reasonably good shape. It appears quite sturdy.",
has container open;
Object -> -> WildThingsBook "small book"
name 'small' 'book' 'books//p',
description "Where the Wild Things Are, by Maurice Sendak.",
before [;
Open, Close:
"The manager just asked you to get the book, not read it.";
Object DarkChamber "Dark chamber"
description [;
if (self hasnt general) {
give self general;
print "Upon entering the room, two candles on a table light up spontaneously, as if by magic.^^";
"The table, the book and the candles are now wrapped in fire. Long tongues of fire
run down the black-painted walls. The only way out is to the west.";
print "This is a very unsettling room. All the walls are painted black, with strange golden
symbols. In the middle of the room there is a large round table covered with a black
velvet tablecloth. On it rests an immense red ";
if (EvilBook has open) print "open";
else print "closed";
" book. On both sides of the book, two red candles flood the room with the smell of
burning wax. The only exit is towards the west.";
'wall' 'walls' "The walls absorb so much light, it almost looks like the golden symbols float in a void."
'strange' 'symbols' "These symbols might be letters in some ancient script. You wouldn't know."
'velvet' 'tablecloth' "It's heavy and all black.",
w_to StorageRoom,
has light;
Object -> Table "table"
name 'large' 'table' 'tablecloth',
description "It's a very sturdy wooden table covered with a black velvet tablecloth.",
has static scenery;
Object -> EvilBook "red book"
number 0,
parse_name [ _w _i;
while(true) {
_w = NextWordStopped();
if(_w == 'immense' or 'thick' or 'heavy' or 'red' or 'leather' or 'book' or 'books//p' ||
(_w == 'open' && self has open) || (_w == 'closed' && self hasnt open)) _i++;
return _i;
describe [; rtrue; ],
description [;
"The book is on fire! Is it your imagination or do you think you hear a whine
coming from it beyond the crackling of the paper?";
print "You take an uneasy glance at the thick, heavy book bound in red leather. You have
the feeling that there is something profoundly evil in it. ";
if(self has open)
"It is now open, revealing pages richly written in meticulous calligraphy. A few
words seem to stand out from the rest.";
"In a profusely ornamented typography, you can read on its closed cover the words ~Summone daemoniorum~.";
before [;
"You try to lift it off the table, but you're surprised at how incredibly heavy
it is. You feel unable to move it an inch.";
if(second==Candles or 0) {
if(FlagIsSet(F_STARTED_FIRE)) {
"But it's already burning! You need to get out of the building immediately.";
} else {
remove Manager;
scope_modified = true;
"Without a moment's hesitation, you tear out one of the pages and burn it in a
candle. With the page burning, you set fire to the rest of the book.
^^The fire spreads from the book to the room at full speed! Before you can
believe it, the black walls burn with a fire that can't be natural. What
kind of evil magic is this?";
daemon [;
switch(++self.number) {
"^As the flames rise higher, the wooden ceiling catches fire too.";
"^The sound of the fire in the dark chamber suddenly gets more intense.";
if(location==Library or TopOfStairs)
"^Flames emerge from the floor in one corner and quickly start to spread along the walls.";
"It is now getting unbearably hot down here.";
if(location==Library or TopOfStairs)
"^Flames are all around you now. You should still be able to reach the exit though.";
"The flames cover all the exits! The fire hovers around you with unnatural ferocity. When
you're short of breath and the heat makes you lose consciousness, the last thing you
hear is a laugh in the distance...";
if(self.number > 7 && location ~= Library or TopOfStairs) {
deadflag = 4;
"The heat is too much for you, and you collapse on the floor. When you're short of breath and
the heat makes you lose consciousness, the last thing you hear is a laugh in the distance...";
add_to_scope [;
if(self has open)
has openable transparent static;
Object -> Candles "candles"
description "Two red candles, burning on both sides of the book.",
describe [; rtrue; ],
article "a pair of",
name 'candle' 'candles',
before [;
"The candles won't budge.";
"The candles are already burning.";
has pluralname static;
Object Words "words"
name 'creepy' 'letters' 'word' 'words',
before [;
deadflag = 3;
"After a few seconds of struggling with the ancient calligraphy, you can make out the
words and read them out loud: ~KLAATU BARADA NIKTO~^^
Suddenly, a tremor starts to be felt from the ground, spreading through the walls.
You feel a chill on your back and turn around. You can't believe what you see...^^
The floor of the room has been transformed into an infinitely deep sinkhole with
black stone walls. Scaling the walls, you can see dozens... No, hundreds!
of bluish-skinned, red-eyed creatures, staring at you with predatory hunger.^^
They're going to come out. And you have set them free.";
! ====================================
! Finally, the Initialise routine.
! ====================================
lookmode = 2; ! Verbose by default
"^^The search for a job can be arduous for a young person like you, with no experience or contacts and
a newcomer to the city. That's why when you had that newspaper in your hands yesterday and read
the ad (~young, inexperienced bookstore assistant needed~) you didn't hesitate for a second.
^^However, now that you are walking down the gloomy streets of the neighbourhood where your future
job resides, you wonder if you were not too quick to accept...^";