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B/relt: Relations Template.
@Purpose: To manage run-time storage for relations between objects, and to
find routes through relations and the map.
@p Relation Records.
See "RelationKind.i6t" for further explanation.
Constant RR_NAME 5;
Constant RR_STORAGE 7;
Constant RR_KIND 8;
Constant RR_HANDLER 9;
@p Valency Adjectives.
These are defined in the Standard Rules; the following routines must either
test the state (if |set| is negative), or change the state to |set|.
[ RELATION_TY_EquivalenceAdjective rel set perms state handler;
perms = RlnGetF(rel, RR_PERMISSIONS);
if (perms & RELS_EQUIVALENCE) state = true;
if (set < 0) return state;
if ((set) && (state == false)) {
perms = perms + RELS_EQUIVALENCE;
if (perms & RELS_SYMMETRIC == 0) perms = perms + RELS_SYMMETRIC;
if ((set == false) && (state)) {
perms = perms - RELS_EQUIVALENCE;
if (perms & RELS_SYMMETRIC) perms = perms - RELS_SYMMETRIC;
RlnSetF(rel, RR_PERMISSIONS, perms);
handler = RlnGetF(rel, RR_HANDLER);
if (handler(rel, RELS_SET_VALENCY, perms & VALENCY_MASK) == 0)
"*** Can't change this to an equivalence relation ***";
[ RELATION_TY_SymmetricAdjective rel set perms state handler;
perms = RlnGetF(rel, RR_PERMISSIONS);
if (perms & RELS_SYMMETRIC) state = true;
if (set < 0) return state;
if ((set) && (state == false)) perms = perms + RELS_SYMMETRIC;
if ((set == false) && (state)) perms = perms - RELS_SYMMETRIC;
RlnSetF(rel, RR_PERMISSIONS, perms);
handler = RlnGetF(rel, RR_HANDLER);
if (handler(rel, RELS_SET_VALENCY, perms & VALENCY_MASK) == 0)
"*** Can't change this to a symmetric relation ***";
[ RELATION_TY_OToOAdjective rel set perms state handler i;
perms = RlnGetF(rel, RR_PERMISSIONS);
if (set < 0) return state;
if ((set) && (state == false)) {
if (perms & RELS_X_UNIQUE == 0) perms = perms + RELS_X_UNIQUE;
if (perms & RELS_Y_UNIQUE == 0) perms = perms + RELS_Y_UNIQUE;
if (perms & RELS_EQUIVALENCE) perms = perms - RELS_EQUIVALENCE;
if ((set == false) && (state)) {
if (perms & RELS_X_UNIQUE) perms = perms - RELS_X_UNIQUE;
if (perms & RELS_Y_UNIQUE) perms = perms - RELS_Y_UNIQUE;
RlnSetF(rel, RR_PERMISSIONS, perms);
handler = RlnGetF(rel, RR_HANDLER);
if (handler(rel, RELS_SET_VALENCY, perms & VALENCY_MASK) == 0)
"*** Can't change this to a one-to-one relation ***";
[ RELATION_TY_OToVAdjective rel set perms state handler;
perms = RlnGetF(rel, RR_PERMISSIONS);
if (perms & (RELS_X_UNIQUE+RELS_Y_UNIQUE) == RELS_X_UNIQUE) state = true;
if (set < 0) return state;
if ((set) && (state == false)) {
if (perms & RELS_X_UNIQUE == 0) perms = perms + RELS_X_UNIQUE;
if (perms & RELS_Y_UNIQUE) perms = perms - RELS_Y_UNIQUE;
if (perms & RELS_SYMMETRIC) perms = perms - RELS_SYMMETRIC;
if (perms & RELS_EQUIVALENCE) perms = perms - RELS_EQUIVALENCE;
if ((set == false) && (state)) {
if (perms & RELS_X_UNIQUE) perms = perms - RELS_X_UNIQUE;
if (perms & RELS_Y_UNIQUE) perms = perms - RELS_Y_UNIQUE;
RlnSetF(rel, RR_PERMISSIONS, perms);
handler = RlnGetF(rel, RR_HANDLER);
if (handler(rel, RELS_SET_VALENCY, perms & VALENCY_MASK) == 0)
"*** Can't change this to a one-to-various relation ***";
[ RELATION_TY_VToOAdjective rel set perms state handler;
perms = RlnGetF(rel, RR_PERMISSIONS);
if (perms & (RELS_X_UNIQUE+RELS_Y_UNIQUE) == RELS_Y_UNIQUE) state = true;
if (set < 0) return state;
if ((set) && (state == false)) {
if (perms & RELS_X_UNIQUE) perms = perms - RELS_X_UNIQUE;
if (perms & RELS_Y_UNIQUE == 0) perms = perms + RELS_Y_UNIQUE;
if (perms & RELS_SYMMETRIC) perms = perms - RELS_SYMMETRIC;
if (perms & RELS_EQUIVALENCE) perms = perms - RELS_EQUIVALENCE;
if ((set == false) && (state)) {
if (perms & RELS_X_UNIQUE) perms = perms - RELS_X_UNIQUE;
if (perms & RELS_Y_UNIQUE) perms = perms - RELS_Y_UNIQUE;
RlnSetF(rel, RR_PERMISSIONS, perms);
handler = RlnGetF(rel, RR_HANDLER);
if (handler(rel, RELS_SET_VALENCY, perms & VALENCY_MASK) == 0)
"*** Can't change this to a various-to-one relation ***";
[ RELATION_TY_VToVAdjective rel set perms state handler;
perms = RlnGetF(rel, RR_PERMISSIONS);
if (perms & (RELS_X_UNIQUE+RELS_Y_UNIQUE) == 0) state = true;
if (set < 0) return state;
if ((set) && (state == false)) {
if (perms & RELS_X_UNIQUE) perms = perms - RELS_X_UNIQUE;
if (perms & RELS_Y_UNIQUE) perms = perms - RELS_Y_UNIQUE;
if ((set == false) && (state)) {
if (perms & RELS_X_UNIQUE == 0) perms = perms + RELS_X_UNIQUE;
if (perms & RELS_Y_UNIQUE == 0) perms = perms + RELS_Y_UNIQUE;
RlnSetF(rel, RR_PERMISSIONS, perms);
handler = RlnGetF(rel, RR_HANDLER);
if (handler(rel, RELS_SET_VALENCY, perms & VALENCY_MASK) == 0)
"*** Can't change this to a various-to-various relation ***";
@p One To One Relations.
We provide routines to assert a 1-to-1 relation true, or to assert it false.
The relation |rel| is represented by a property number, and the property in
question is used to store the fact of a relationship: $O_1\sim O_2$ if and
only if |O1.rel == O2|.
There is no routine to test a 1-to-1 relation, since the predicate calculus
code in NI simplifies propositions which test these into direct looking up
of the property relation.
[ Relation_Now1to1 obj1 relation_property obj2 ol; ! Assert 1-1 true
if (obj2) objectloop (ol provides relation_property)
if (ol.relation_property == obj2) ol.relation_property = nothing;
if (obj1) obj1.relation_property = obj2;
[ Relation_NowN1toV obj1 relation_property obj2; ! Assert 1-1 false
if ((obj1) && (obj1.relation_property == obj2)) obj1.relation_property = nothing;
[ Relation_Now1to1V obj1 obj2 KOV relation_property ol N; ! Assert 1-1 true
if (obj2) {
N = KOVDomainSize(KOV);
for (ol=1: ol<=N: ol++)
if (GProperty(KOV, ol, relation_property) == obj2)
WriteGProperty(KOV, ol, relation_property, 0);
if (obj1) WriteGProperty(KOV, obj1, relation_property, obj2);
[ Relation_NowN1toVV obj1 obj2 KOV relation_property; ! Assert 1-1 false
if ((obj1) && (GProperty(KOV, obj1, relation_property) == obj2))
WriteGProperty(KOV, obj1, relation_property, 0);
@p Symmetric One To One Relations.
Here the relation is used for both objects: $O_1\sim O_2$ if and only if
both |O1.relation_property == O2| and |O2.relation_property == O1|.
[ Relation_NowS1to1 obj1 relation_property obj2; ! Assert symmetric 1-1 true
if ((obj1 ofclass Object) && (obj1 provides relation_property) &&
(obj2 ofclass Object) && (obj2 provides relation_property)) {
if (obj1.relation_property) { (obj1.relation_property).relation_property = 0; }
if (obj2.relation_property) { (obj2.relation_property).relation_property = 0; }
obj1.relation_property = obj2; obj2.relation_property = obj1;
[ Relation_NowSN1to1 obj1 relation_property obj2; ! Assert symmetric 1-1 false
if ((obj1 ofclass Object) && (obj1 provides relation_property) &&
(obj2 ofclass Object) && (obj2 provides relation_property) &&
(obj1.relation_property == obj2)) {
obj1.relation_property = 0; obj2.relation_property = 0;
[ Relation_NowS1to1V obj1 obj2 KOV relation_property; ! Assert symmetric 1-1 true
if (GProperty(KOV, obj1, relation_property))
WriteGProperty(KOV, GProperty(KOV, obj1, relation_property), relation_property, 0);
if (GProperty(KOV, obj2, relation_property))
WriteGProperty(KOV, GProperty(KOV, obj2, relation_property), relation_property, 0);
WriteGProperty(KOV, obj1, relation_property, obj2);
WriteGProperty(KOV, obj2, relation_property, obj1);
[ Relation_NowSN1to1V obj1 obj2 KOV relation_property; ! Assert symmetric 1-1 false
if (GProperty(KOV, obj1, relation_property) == obj2) {
WriteGProperty(KOV, obj1, relation_property, 0);
WriteGProperty(KOV, obj2, relation_property, 0);
@p Various To Various Relations.
Here the relation is represented by an array holding its metadata. Each
object in the domain of the relation provides two properties, holding its
left index and its right index. The index is its position in the left or
right domain. For instance, suppose we relate things to doors, and there
are five things in the world, two of which are doors; then the left
indexes will range from 0 to 4, while the right indexes will range from
0 to 1. It's very likely that the doors will have different left and
right indexes. (If the relation relates a given kind to itself, say
doors to doors, then left and right indexes will always be equal.)
It is possible for either the left or right domain set to be an enumerated
kind of value, where the I6 representation of values is 1, 2, 3, ..., $N$,
where there are $N$ possibilities. In that case we obtain the index
simply by subtracting 1 in order to begin from 0. We mark the domain set
as being a KOV rather than a kind of object by storing 0 instead of a
property in the relevant part of the relation metadata: note that 0 is
not a valid property number.
The structure for a relation consists of eight |-->| words, followed by a
bitmap in which we store 16 bits in each |-->| word. (Yes, this is wasteful
in Glulx, where |-->| words store 32 bits, but memory is not in short supply
in Glulx and the total cost of relations is in practice small; we prefer
to keep all the code involved simple.) The structure is precompiled by the
Inform compiler: we do not create new ones on the fly.
In the case of a symmetric various to various relation, we could in theory
save memory once again by storing only the lower triangle of the bitmap,
but the time and complexity overhead are not worth it. When asserting that
$O_1\sim O_2$ for a symmetric V-to-V, we also automatically assert that
$O_2\sim O_1$, thus maintaining the bitmap as a symmetric matrix; but in
reading the bitmap, we look only at the lower triangle. This costs a little
time, but has the advantage of allowing the route-finding routine for
V-to-V to use the same code for symmetric and asymmetric relations.
If this all seems rather suboptimally programmed in order to reduce code
complexity, I can only say that careless drafts here were the source of
some extremely difficult bugs to find.
Constant VTOVS_CACHE = 7;
[ Relation_NowVtoV obj1 relation obj2 sym pr pr2 i1 i2 vtov_structure;
if (sym && (obj2 ~= obj1)) { Relation_NowVtoV(obj2, relation, obj1, false); }
vtov_structure = RlnGetF(relation, RR_STORAGE);
pr = vtov_structure-->VTOVS_LEFT_INDEX_PROP;
pr2 = vtov_structure-->VTOVS_RIGHT_INDEX_PROP;
vtov_structure-->VTOVS_CACHE_BROKEN = true; ! Mark any cache as broken
if (pr) {
if ((obj1 ofclass Object) && (obj1 provides pr)) i1 = obj1.pr;
else return RunTimeProblem(RTP_IMPREL, obj1, relation);
} else i1 = obj1-1;
if (pr2) {
if ((obj2 ofclass Object) && (obj2 provides pr2)) i2 = obj2.pr2;
else return RunTimeProblem(RTP_IMPREL, obj2, relation);
} else i2 = obj2-1;
pr = i1*(vtov_structure-->VTOVS_RIGHT_DOMAIN_SIZE) + i2;
i1 = IncreasingPowersOfTwo_TB-->(pr%16);
pr = pr/16 + 8;
vtov_structure-->pr = (vtov_structure-->pr) | i1;
[ Relation_NowNVtoV obj1 relation obj2 sym pr pr2 i1 i2 vtov_structure;
if (sym && (obj2 ~= obj1)) { Relation_NowNVtoV(obj2, relation, obj1, false); }
vtov_structure = RlnGetF(relation, RR_STORAGE);
pr = vtov_structure-->VTOVS_LEFT_INDEX_PROP;
pr2 = vtov_structure-->VTOVS_RIGHT_INDEX_PROP;
vtov_structure-->VTOVS_CACHE_BROKEN = true; ! Mark any cache as broken
if (pr) {
if ((obj1 ofclass Object) && (obj1 provides pr)) i1 = obj1.pr;
else return RunTimeProblem(RTP_IMPREL, obj1, relation);
} else i1 = obj1-1;
if (pr2) {
if ((obj2 ofclass Object) && (obj2 provides pr2)) i2 = obj2.pr2;
else return RunTimeProblem(RTP_IMPREL, obj2, relation);
} else i2 = obj2-1;
pr = i1*(vtov_structure-->VTOVS_RIGHT_DOMAIN_SIZE) + i2;
i1 = IncreasingPowersOfTwo_TB-->(pr%16);
pr = pr/16 + 8;
if ((vtov_structure-->pr) & i1) vtov_structure-->pr = vtov_structure-->pr - i1;
[ Relation_TestVtoV obj1 relation obj2 sym pr pr2 i1 i2 vtov_structure;
vtov_structure = RlnGetF(relation, RR_STORAGE);
pr = vtov_structure-->VTOVS_LEFT_INDEX_PROP;
pr2 = vtov_structure-->VTOVS_RIGHT_INDEX_PROP;
if (sym && (obj2 > obj1)) { sym = obj1; obj1 = obj2; obj2 = sym; }
if (pr) {
if ((obj1 ofclass Object) && (obj1 provides pr)) i1 = obj1.pr;
else { RunTimeProblem(RTP_IMPREL, obj1, relation); rfalse; }
} else i1 = obj1-1;
if (pr2) {
if ((obj2 ofclass Object) && (obj2 provides pr2)) i2 = obj2.pr2;
else { RunTimeProblem(RTP_IMPREL, obj2, relation); rfalse; }
} else i2 = obj2-1;
pr = i1*(vtov_structure-->VTOVS_RIGHT_DOMAIN_SIZE) + i2;
i1 = IncreasingPowersOfTwo_TB-->(pr%16);
pr = pr/16 + 8;
if ((vtov_structure-->pr) & i1) rtrue; rfalse;
@p Equivalence Relations.
For every equivalence relation there is a corresponding function $f$ such
that $x\sim y$ if and only if $f(x)=f(y)$, where $f(x)$ is a number identifying
the equivalence class of $x$. Rather than inefficiently storing a large
relation bitmap (and then having a very complicated time updating it to
keep the relation transitive), we store $f$: that is, for every object in
the domain set, there is a property |prop| such that |O.prop| is the value
[ Relation_NowEquiv obj1 relation_property obj2 big little;
big = obj1.relation_property; little = obj2.relation_property;
if (big == little) return;
if (big < little) { little = obj1.relation_property; big = obj2.relation_property; }
objectloop (obj1 provides relation_property)
if (obj1.relation_property == big) obj1.relation_property = little;
[ Relation_NowNEquiv obj1 relation_property obj2 old new;
old = obj1.relation_property; new = obj2.relation_property;
if (old ~= new) return;
new = 0;
objectloop (obj2 provides relation_property)
if (obj2.relation_property > new) new = obj2.relation_property;
obj1.relation_property = new;
[ Relation_NowEquivV obj1 obj2 KOV relation_property n big little i;
big = GProperty(KOV, obj1, relation_property);
little = GProperty(KOV, obj2, relation_property);
if (big == little) return;
if (big < little) {
little = GProperty(KOV, obj1, relation_property);
big = GProperty(KOV, obj2, relation_property);
n = KOVDomainSize(KOV);
for (i=1: i<=n: i++)
if (GProperty(KOV, i, relation_property) == big)
WriteGProperty(KOV, i, relation_property, little);
[ Relation_NowNEquivV obj1 obj2 KOV relation_property n old new i;
old = GProperty(KOV, obj1, relation_property);
new = GProperty(KOV, obj2, relation_property);
if (old ~= new) return;
new = 0;
n = KOVDomainSize(KOV);
for (i=1: i<=n: i++)
if (GProperty(KOV, i, relation_property) > new)
new = GProperty(KOV, i, relation_property);
WriteGProperty(KOV, obj1, relation_property, new);
@p Show Various to Various.
The rest of the code for relations has no use except for debugging: it
implements the RELATIONS testing command. Speed is unimportant here.
[ Relation_ShowVtoV relation sym x obj1 obj2 pr pr2 proutine1 proutine2 vtov_structure;
vtov_structure = RlnGetF(relation, RR_STORAGE);
pr = vtov_structure-->VTOVS_LEFT_INDEX_PROP;
pr2 = vtov_structure-->VTOVS_RIGHT_INDEX_PROP;
proutine1 = vtov_structure-->VTOVS_LEFT_PRINTING_ROUTINE;
proutine2 = vtov_structure-->VTOVS_RIGHT_PRINTING_ROUTINE;
if (pr && pr2) {
objectloop (obj1 provides pr)
objectloop (obj2 provides pr2) {
if (sym && obj2 > obj1) continue;
if (Relation_TestVtoV(obj1, relation, obj2)) {
if (x == 0) { print (string) RlnGetF(relation, RR_DESCRIPTION), ":^"; x=1; }
print " ", (The) obj1;
if (sym) print " <=> "; else print " >=> ";
print (the) obj2, "^";
if (pr && (pr2==0)) {
objectloop (obj1 provides pr)
for (obj2=1:obj2<=vtov_structure-->VTOVS_RIGHT_DOMAIN_SIZE:obj2++) {
if (Relation_TestVtoV(obj1, relation, obj2)) {
if (x == 0) { print (string) RlnGetF(relation, RR_DESCRIPTION), ":^"; x=1; }
print " ", (The) obj1, " >=> ";
print "^";
if ((pr==0) && (pr2)) {
for (obj1=1:obj1<=vtov_structure-->2:obj1++)
objectloop (obj2 provides pr2) {
if (Relation_TestVtoV(obj1, relation, obj2)) {
if (x == 0) { print (string) RlnGetF(relation, RR_DESCRIPTION), ":^"; x=1; }
print " ";
print " >=> ", (the) obj2, "^";
for (obj1=1:obj1<=vtov_structure-->2:obj1++)
for (obj2=1:obj2<=vtov_structure-->VTOVS_RIGHT_DOMAIN_SIZE:obj2++)
if (Relation_TestVtoV(obj1, relation, obj2)) {
if (x == 0) { print (string) RlnGetF(relation, RR_DESCRIPTION), ":^"; x=1; }
print " ";
print " >=> ";
print "^";
@p Show One to One.
[ Relation_ShowOtoO relation sym x relation_property t N obj1 obj2;
relation_property = RlnGetF(relation, RR_STORAGE);
t = KindBaseTerm(RlnGetF(relation, RR_KIND), 0); ! Kind of left term
N = KOVDomainSize(t);
if (t == OBJECT_TY) {
objectloop (obj1 provides relation_property) {
obj2 = obj1.relation_property;
if (sym && obj2 < obj1) continue;
if (obj2 == 0) continue;
if (x == 0) { print (string) RlnGetF(relation, RR_DESCRIPTION), ":^"; x=1; }
print " ", (The) obj1;
if (sym) print " == "; else print " >=> ";
print (the) obj2, "^";
} else {
for (obj1=1: obj1<=N: obj1++) {
obj2 = GProperty(t, obj1, relation_property);
if (sym && obj2 < obj1) continue;
if (obj2 == 0) continue;
if (x == 0) { print (string) RlnGetF(relation, RR_DESCRIPTION), ":^"; x=1; }
print " ";
PrintKindValuePair(t, obj1);
if (sym) print " == "; else print " >=> ";
PrintKindValuePair(t, obj2);
print "^";
@p Show Reversed One to One.
There's no such kind of relation as this: but the same code used to show
1-to-1 relations is also used to show various-to-1 relations, since the
storage is the same. To show 1-to-various relations, we need a transposed
form of the same code in which left and right are exchanged: this is it.
[ Relation_RShowOtoO relation sym x relation_property obj1 obj2 t1 t2 N1 N2;
relation_property = RlnGetF(relation, RR_STORAGE);
t1 = KindBaseTerm(RlnGetF(relation, RR_KIND), 0); ! Kind of left term
t2 = KindBaseTerm(RlnGetF(relation, RR_KIND), 1); ! Kind of right term
if (t2 == OBJECT_TY) {
if (t1 == OBJECT_TY) {
objectloop (obj1) {
objectloop (obj2 provides relation_property) {
if (obj2.relation_property ~= obj1) continue;
if (x == 0) { print (string) RlnGetF(relation, RR_DESCRIPTION), ":^"; x=1; }
print " ", (The) obj1;
print " >=> ";
print (the) obj2, "^";
} else {
N1 = KOVDomainSize(t1);
for (obj1=1: obj1<=N1: obj1++) {
objectloop (obj2 provides relation_property) {
if (obj2.relation_property ~= obj1) continue;
if (x == 0) { print (string) RlnGetF(relation, RR_DESCRIPTION), ":^"; x=1; }
print " "; PrintKindValuePair(t1, obj1);
print " >=> ";
print (the) obj2, "^";
} else {
N2 = KOVDomainSize(t2);
if (t1 == OBJECT_TY) {
objectloop (obj1) {
for (obj2=1: obj2<=N2: obj2++) {
if (GProperty(t2, obj2, relation_property) ~= obj1) continue;
if (x == 0) { print (string) RlnGetF(relation, RR_DESCRIPTION), ":^"; x=1; }
print " ", (The) obj1;
print " >=> ";
PrintKindValuePair(t2, obj2);
print "^";
} else {
N1 = KOVDomainSize(t1);
for (obj1=1: obj1<=N1: obj1++) {
for (obj2=1: obj2<=N2: obj2++) {
if (GProperty(t2, obj2, relation_property) ~= obj1) continue;
if (x == 0) { print (string) RlnGetF(relation, RR_DESCRIPTION), ":^"; x=1; }
print " ";
PrintKindValuePair(t1, obj1);
print " >=> ";
PrintKindValuePair(t2, obj2);
print "^";
@p Show Equivalence.
[ RSE_Flip KOV v relation_property x;
x = GProperty(KOV, v, relation_property); x = -x;
WriteGProperty(KOV, v, relation_property, x);
[ RSE_Set KOV v relation_property;
if (GProperty(KOV, v, relation_property) < 0) rtrue; rfalse;
[ Relation_ShowEquiv relation relation_property obj1 obj2 v c d somegroups t N x;
print (string) RlnGetF(relation, RR_DESCRIPTION), ":^";
relation_property = RlnGetF(relation, RR_STORAGE);
t = KindBaseTerm(RlnGetF(relation, RR_KIND), 0); ! Kind of left term
N = KOVDomainSize(t);
if (t == OBJECT_TY) {
objectloop (obj1 provides relation_property)
obj1.relation_property = -(obj1.relation_property);
objectloop (obj1 provides relation_property) {
if (obj1.relation_property < 0) {
v = obj1.relation_property; c = 0;
objectloop (obj2 has workflag2) give obj2 ~workflag2;
objectloop (obj2 provides relation_property) {
if (obj2.relation_property == v) {
give obj2 workflag2;
obj2.relation_property = -v;
if (c>1) {
somegroups = true;
print " { ";
print " }^";
} else obj1.relation_property = v;
objectloop (obj2 has workflag2) give obj2 ~workflag2;
c = 0; objectloop (obj1 provides relation_property)
if (obj1.relation_property < 0) { c++; give obj1 workflag2; }
if (c == 0) return;
if (somegroups) print " and "; else print " ";
if (c < 4) { WriteListOfMarkedObjects(ENGLISH_BIT); print " in"; }
else print c;
if (c == 1) print " a";
print " single-member group";
if (c > 1) print "s";
print "^";
objectloop (obj1 provides relation_property)
if (obj1.relation_property < 0)
obj1.relation_property = -(obj1.relation_property);
} else {
! A slower method, since we have less efficient storage:
for (obj1 = 1: obj1 <= N: obj1++)
RSE_Flip(t, obj1, relation_property);
for (obj1 = 1: obj1 <= N: obj1++) {
if (RSE_Set(t, obj1, relation_property)) {
v = GProperty(t, obj1, relation_property);
c = 0;
for (obj2 = 1: obj2 <= N: obj2++)
if (GProperty(t, obj2, relation_property) == v)
if (c>1) {
somegroups = true;
print " {";
d = 0;
for (obj2 = 1: obj2 <= N: obj2++) {
if (GProperty(t, obj2, relation_property) == v) {
print " "; PrintKindValuePair(t, obj2);
if (d < c-1) print ","; print " ";
RSE_Flip(t, obj2, relation_property);
print "}^";
} else WriteGProperty(t, obj1, relation_property, v);
objectloop (obj2 has workflag2) give obj2 ~workflag2;
c = 0;
for (obj1 = 1: obj1 <= N: obj1++)
if (RSE_Set(t, obj1, relation_property)) c++;
if (c == 0) return;
if (somegroups) print " and "; else print " ";
if (c == 1) print "a"; else print c;
print " single-member group";
if (c > 1) print "s";
print "^";
for (obj1 = 1: obj1 <= N: obj1++)
if (RSE_Set(t, obj1, relation_property))
RSE_Flip(t, obj1, relation_property);
@p Map Route-Finding.
The general problem we have to solve here is: given $x, y\in R$, where $R$
is the set of rooms and we write $x\sim y$ if there is a map connection from
$x$ to $y$,
(i) find the smallest $m$ such that there exist $x = r_1\sim r_2\sim ...\sim r_m = y\in R$,
or determine that no such $m$ exists, and
(ii) find $d$, the first direction to take from $x$ to lead to $r_2$, or
set $d=0$ if no such path exists or if $m=1$ so that $x=y$.
Thus a typical outcome might be either "a shortest path from the Town Square
to the Hilltop takes 11 moves, starting by going northeast from the Town
Square", or alternatively "there's no path from the Town Square to the
Hilltop at all". Note that the length of the shortest path is unambiguous,
but that there might be many alternative paths of this minimum length:
we deliberately do not specify which path is chosen if so, and the two
algorithms used below do not necessarily choose the same one.
Route-finding is not an easy operation in computation terms: the various
algorithms available have theoretical running times which are easy (if
sobering) to compute, but which are not in practice typical of what will
happen, because they are quite sensitive to the map in question. Are all
the rooms laid out in a long line? Are there clusters of connected rooms
like islands? Are there dense clumps of interconnecting rooms? Are there
huge but possibly time-saving loops? And so on. Overhead is also
important. We present a choice of two algorithms: the "fast" one
has a theoretical running time of $O(n^3)$, where $n$ is the number
of rooms, whereas the "slow" one runs in $O(n^2)$, yet in practice
the fast one easily outperforms the slow on typical heavy-use cases with
large maps.
The other issue is memory usage: we essentially have to strike a bargain
between speed and memory overhead. Our "slow" algorithm needs only
$O(n)$ storage, whereas our "fast" algorithm needs $O(n^2)$, and this
is very significant in the Z-machine where array space is in desperately
short supply and where, if $n > 50$ or so, the user is already likely to
be fighting for the last few bytes in readable memory.
The user is therefore offered the choice, by selecting the use options
"Use fast route-finding" and "Use slow route-finding": and the defaults,
if neither option is explicitly set, are fast on Glulx and slow on the
Z-machine. If both use options are explicitly set -- which might happen
due to a disagreement between extensions -- "fast" wins.
@p Cache Control.
We provide code to enable our route-finding algorithms to cache their partial
results from one usage to the next (though at present only the "fast"
algorithm does this). The difficulty here is that the result of a route
search depends on three things, any of which may change:
(a) which subset of rooms we are route-finding through;
(b) which subset of doors we are allowing ourselves to use; and
(c) the current map connections between rooms.
We keep track of (c) by watching for calls to |SignalMapChange()| from the
routines in "WorldModel.i6t" which alter the map. (a) and (b), however,
require tracking from call to call what the current subset of rooms and
doors is. (It is not sufficient to remember the criteria used last time
and this time, because circumstances could have changed such that the
criteria produce a different outcome. For instance, searching through
lighted rooms and using unlocked doors will produce a different result
if a door has been locked or unlocked since last time, or if a room has
become lighted or not.) We store the set of applicable rooms and doors
by enumerating them in the property |room_index| and by the flags in the
|DoorRoutingViable| array respectively.
Constant NUM_DOORS = {-value:Instances::count(K_door)};
Constant NUM_ROOMS = {-value:Instances::count(K_room)};
Array DoorRoutingViable -> NUM_DOORS+1;
Global map_has_changed = true;
Global last_filter; Global last_use_doors;
[ SignalMapChange; map_has_changed = true; ];
[ MapRouteTo from to filter use_doors count oy oyi ds;
if (from == nothing) return nothing;
if (to == nothing) return nothing;
if (from == to) return nothing;
if ((filter) && (filter(from) == 0)) return nothing;
if ((filter) && (filter(to) == 0)) return nothing;
if ((last_filter ~= filter) || (last_use_doors ~= use_doors)) map_has_changed = true;
oyi = 0;
objectloop (oy has mark_as_room) {
if ((filter == 0) || (filter(oy))) {
if (oy.room_index == -1) map_has_changed = true;
oy.room_index = oyi++;
} else {
if (oy.room_index >= 0) map_has_changed = true;
oy.room_index = -1;
oyi = 0;
objectloop (oy ofclass K4_door) {
ds = false;
if ((use_doors & 2) ||
(oy has open) || ((oy has openable) && (oy hasnt locked))) ds = true;
if (DoorRoutingViable->oyi ~= ds) map_has_changed = true;
DoorRoutingViable->oyi = ds;
if (map_has_changed) {
#ifdef FAST_ROUTE_FINDING; ComputeFWMatrix(filter, use_doors); #endif;
map_has_changed = false; last_filter = filter; last_use_doors = use_doors;
if (count) return FastCountRouteTo(from, to, filter, use_doors);
return FastRouteTo(from, to, filter, use_doors);
if (count) return SlowCountRouteTo(from, to, filter, use_doors);
return SlowRouteTo(from, to, filter, use_doors);
@p Fast Route-Finding.
The following is a form of Floyd's adaptation of Warshall's algorithm for
finding the transitive closure of a directed graph.
We need to store a matrix which for each pair of rooms $R_i$ and $R_j$
records $a_{ij}$, the shortest path length from $R_i$ to $R_j$ or 0 if no
path exists, and also $d_{ij}$, the first direction to take on leaving
$R_i$ along a shortest path to $R_j$, or 0 if no path exists. For the sake
of economy we represent the directions as their instance counts (numbered
from 0 in order of creation), not as their direction object values, and
then store a single word for each pair $(i, j)$: we store $d_{ij} + D
a_{ij}$. This restricts us on a signed 16-bit virtual machine, and with the
conventional set of $D=12$ directions, to the range $0\leq a_{ij}\leq
5461$, that is, to path lengths of 5461 steps or fewer. A work of IF with
5461 rooms will not fit in the Z-machine anyway: such a work would be on
Glulx, which is 32-bit, and where $0\leq a_{ij}\leq 357,913,941$.
We begin with $a_{ij} = 0$ for all pairs except where there is a viable
map connection between $R_i$ and $R_j$: for those we set $a_{ij}=1$ and
$d_{ij}$ equal to the direction of that map connection.
Following Floyd and Warshall we test if each known shortest path $R_{x}$ to
$R_{y}$ can be used to shorten the best known path from $R_{x}$ to anywhere
else: that is, we look for cases where $a_{xy} + a_{yj} < a_{xj}$, since
those show that going from $R_x$ to $R_j$ via $R_y$ takes fewer steps than
going directly. See for instance Robert Sedgewick, {\it Algorithms} (1988),
chapter 32.
The trouble with the Floyd-Warshall algorithm is not so much that it takes
in principle $O(n^3)$ time to construct the matrix: it does, but the
coefficient is low, and in the early stages of the outer loop the fact that
the vertex degree is at most $D$ and usually much lower helps to reduce the
work further. The trouble is that there is no way to compute only the part
of the matrix we want: we have to have the entire thing, and that means
storing $n^2$ words of data, by which point we have computed not only the
fastest route from $R_x$ to $R_y$ but also the fastest route from anywhere
to anywhere else. Even when the original map is sparse, the Floyd-Warshall
matrix is not, and it is difficult to store in any very compressed way
without greatly increasing the complexity of the code. This is why we cache
the results: we might as well, since we had to build the entire memory
structure anyway, and it means the time expense is only paid once (or once
for every time the state of doors and map connections changes), and the
cache is useful for all future routes whatever their endpoints.
[ FastRouteTo from to filter use_doors diri i dir oy;
if (from == to) return nothing;
i = (FWMatrix-->(from.room_index*NUM_ROOMS + to.room_index))/No_Directions;
if (i == 0) return nothing;
diri = (FWMatrix-->(from.room_index*NUM_ROOMS + to.room_index))%No_Directions;
i=0; objectloop (dir ofclass K3_direction) {
if (i == diri) return dir;
return nothing;
[ FastCountRouteTo from to filter use_doors k;
if (from == to) return 0;
k = (FWMatrix-->(from.room_index*NUM_ROOMS + to.room_index))/No_Directions;
if (k == 0) return -1;
return k;
[ ComputeFWMatrix filter use_doors oy ox oj axy ayj axj dir diri nd row;
objectloop (oy has mark_as_room) if (oy.room_index >= 0)
objectloop (ox has mark_as_room) if (ox.room_index >= 0)
FWMatrix-->(oy.room_index*NUM_ROOMS + ox.room_index) = 0;
objectloop (oy has mark_as_room) if (oy.room_index >= 0) {
row = (oy.IK1_Count)*No_Directions;
for (diri=0: diri<No_Directions: diri++) {
ox = Map_Storage-->(row+diri);
if ((ox) && (ox has mark_as_room) && (ox.room_index >= 0)) {
FWMatrix-->(oy.room_index*NUM_ROOMS + ox.room_index) = No_Directions + diri;
if (use_doors && (ox ofclass K4_door) &&
((use_doors & 2) || (DoorRoutingViable->(ox.IK4_Count)))) {
@push location; location = oy;
ox = ox.door_to();
@pull location;
if ((ox) && (ox has mark_as_room) && (ox.room_index >= 0)) {
FWMatrix-->(oy.room_index*NUM_ROOMS + ox.room_index) = No_Directions + diri;
objectloop (oy has mark_as_room) if (oy.room_index >= 0)
objectloop (ox has mark_as_room) if (ox.room_index >= 0) {
axy = (FWMatrix-->(ox.room_index*NUM_ROOMS + oy.room_index))/No_Directions;
if (axy > 0)
objectloop (oj has mark_as_room) if (oj.room_index >= 0) {
ayj = (FWMatrix-->(oy.room_index*NUM_ROOMS + oj.room_index))/No_Directions;
if (ayj > 0) {
!print "Is it faster to go from ", (name) ox, " to ",
! (name) oj, " via ", (name) oy, "?^";
axj = (FWMatrix-->(ox.room_index*NUM_ROOMS + oj.room_index))/
if ((axj == 0) || (axy + ayj < axj)) {
!print "Yes^";
FWMatrix-->(ox.room_index*NUM_ROOMS + oj.room_index) =
(axy + ayj)*No_Directions +
(FWMatrix-->(ox.room_index*NUM_ROOMS + oy.room_index))%
@p Slow Route-Finding.
The alternative algorithm, used when only $O(n)$ memory is available,
computes only some of the shortest paths leading to $R_y$, and is not cached --
both because the storage is likely to be reused often by other searches and
because there is little gain from doing so, given that a subsequent search
with different endpoints will not benefit from the results of this one. On
the other hand, to call it "slow" is a little unfair. It is somewhat like
Prim's algorithm for finding a minimum spanning tree, rooted at $R_y$, and
grows the tree outward from $R_y$ until either $R_x$ is reached -- in which
case we stop immediately -- or the (directed) component containing $R_y$
has been exhausted -- in which case $R_x$, which must lie outside this, can
have no path to $R_y$. In principle, the running time is $O(dn^2)$, where
$d\leq D$ is the maximum vertex degree and $n$ is the number of rooms in
the component containing $R_y$: in practice the degree is often much less
than 12, while the algorithm finishes quickly in cases where $R_y$ is
relatively isolated and inaccessible or where a shortish route does exist,
and those are very common cases in typical usage. There will be circumstances
where, because few routes need to be found and because of the shape of the
map, the "slow" algorithm will outperform the "fast" one: this is why
the user is allowed to control which algorithm is used.
For each room $R_z$, the property |vector| stores the direction object of
the way to go to its parent room in the tree rooted at $R_y$. Thus if the
algorithm succeeds in finding a route from $R_x$ to $R_y$ then we generate
the route by starting at $R_x$ and repeatedly going in the |vector| direction
from where we currently stand until we reach $R_y$. Since every room needs
a |vector| value, this requires $n$ words of storage. (The |vector| values
store only enough of the minimal spanning tree to go upwards through the
tree, but that's the only way we need to traverse it.)
The method can be summed up thus:
(a) Begin with every vector blank except that of $R_y$, the destination.
(b) Repeatedly: For every room in the domain set, try each direction: if this
leads to a room whose vector was determined on the last round ({\it not} on
this one, as that may be a suboptimal route), set the vector to point to that
(c) Stop as soon as the vector from the origin is set, or when a round happens
in which no further vectors are found: in which case, we have completely
explored the component of the map from which the destination can be reached,
and the origin isn't in it, so we can return "no".
To prove the correctness of this, we show inductively that after round $n$
we have set the |vector| for every room having a shortest path to $R_y$ of
length $n$, and that every |vector| points to a room having a |vector| in
the direction of the shortest path from there to $R_y$.
[ SlowRouteTo from to filter use_doors obj dir in_direction progressed sl through_door;
if (from == nothing) return nothing;
if (to == nothing) return nothing;
if (from == to) return nothing;
objectloop (obj has mark_as_room) obj.vector = 0;
to.vector = 1;
!print "Routing from ", (the) from, " to ", (the) to, "^";
while (true) {
progressed = false;
!print "Pass begins^";
objectloop (obj has mark_as_room)
if ((filter == 0) || (filter(obj)))
if (obj.vector == 0)
objectloop (dir ofclass K3_direction) {
in_direction = Map_Storage-->((obj.IK1_Count)*No_Directions + dir.IK3_Count);
if (in_direction == nothing) continue;
!print (the) obj, " > ", (the) dir, " > ", (the) in_direction, "^";
if ((in_direction)
&& (in_direction has mark_as_room)
&& (in_direction.vector > 0)
&& ((filter == 0) || (filter(in_direction)))) {
obj.vector = dir | WORD_HIGHBIT;
!print "* ", (the) obj, " vector is ", (the) dir, "^";
progressed = true;
if (use_doors && (in_direction ofclass K4_door) &&
((use_doors & 2) ||
(in_direction has open) ||
((in_direction has openable) && (in_direction hasnt locked)))) {
sl = location; location = obj;
through_door = in_direction.door_to();
location = sl;
!print "Through door is ", (the) through_door, "^";
if ((through_door)
&& (through_door has mark_as_room)
&& (through_door.vector > 0)
&& ((filter == 0) || (filter(through_door)))) {
obj.vector = dir | WORD_HIGHBIT;
!print "* ", (the) obj, " vector is ", (the) dir, "^";
progressed = true;
objectloop (obj has mark_as_room) obj.vector = obj.vector &~ WORD_HIGHBIT;
if (from.vector) return from.vector;
if (progressed == false) return from.vector;
[ SlowCountRouteTo from to filter use_doors obj i;
if (from == nothing) return -1;
if (to == nothing) return -1;
if (from == to) return 0;
if (from has mark_as_room && to has mark_as_room) {
obj = MapRouteTo(from,to,filter,use_doors);
if (obj == nothing) return -1;
i = 0; obj = from;
while ((obj ~= to) && (i<NUM_ROOMS)) { i++; obj = MapConnection(obj,obj.vector); }
return i;
return -1;
@p Relation Route-Finding.
The general problem we have to solve here is: given $x, y\in D$, where $\sim$
is a relation on a domain set $D$ of objects,
(i) find the smallest $n$ such that there exist $x = r_1\sim r_2\sim ...\sim
r_n = y\in D$ such that $r_i\sim r_{i+1}$, or determine that no such $n$ exists,
and if so
(ii) find a value of $r_2$ in such a "route" between $x$ and $y$, or
set $r_2=0$ if $x=y$ so that $n=1$.
While in general a relation can have different left and right domains (a
relation between doors and rooms, say), route-finding on those relations is
unlikely to be very useful, so is discouraged. (In the case of doors and
rooms, a route could never be longer than 1 step, since no object is both a
door and a room, for instance.) The "fast" V-to-V algorithm requires $D$
to have the same left and right domains; NI compiles the memory caches for
V-to-V relations to force any cases with different domains into using the
"slow" algorithm.
|MAX_ROUTE_LENGTH| is used simply as a sanity check to prevent hangs if
something should go wrong, for instance if the property of a 1-to-V
relation has been modified by some third-party code in such a way that
it loses its defining invariant.
Constant MAX_ROUTE_LENGTH = {-value:Instances::count(K_object)} + 32;
[ RelationRouteTo relation from to count handler;
if (count) {
if (from == nothing) return -1;
if (to == nothing) return -1;
if (relation == 0) return -1;
} else {
if (from == nothing) return nothing;
if (to == nothing) return nothing;
if (relation == 0) return nothing;
if (from == to) return nothing;
if (((RlnGetF(relation, RR_PERMISSIONS)) & RELS_ROUTE_FIND) == 0) {
return nothing;
if (RlnGetF(relation, RR_STORAGE) == 0) return nothing;
handler = RlnGetF(relation, RR_HANDLER);
if (count) return handler(relation, RELS_ROUTE_FIND_COUNT, from, to);
return handler(relation, RELS_ROUTE_FIND, from, to);
[ RelFollowVector rv from to obj i;
if (rv == nothing) return -1;
i = 0; obj = from;
while ((obj ~= to) && (i<=MAX_ROUTE_LENGTH)) { i++; obj = obj.vector; }
return i;
@p One To Various Route-Finding.
Here we can immediately determine, given $y$, the unique $y'$ such that
$y'\sim y$, so finding a path from $x$ to $y$ is a matter of following the
only path leading to $y$ and seeing if it ever passed through $x$; thus the
running time is $O(n)$, where $n$ is the size of the domain. It would be
pointless to cache this.
Note that we can assume here that $x\neq y$, or rather, that |from ~= to|,
because that case has already been taken care of.
[ OtoVRelRouteTo relation_property from to previous;
while ((to) && (to provides relation_property) && (to.relation_property)) {
previous = to.relation_property;
previous.vector = to;
if (previous == from) return to;
to = previous;
return nothing;
@p Various To One Route-Finding.
This time the simplifying assumption is that, given $x$, we can immediately
determine the unique $x'$ such that $x\sim x'$, so it suffices to follow
the only path forwards from $x$ and see if it ever reaches $y$. The routine
is not quite a mirror image of the one above, because both have the same
return requirements: we have to ensure that the |vector| properties lay out
the path, and also return the next step after $x$.
[ VtoORelRouteTo relation_property from to next start;
start = from;
while ((from) && (from provides relation_property) && (from.relation_property)) {
next = from.relation_property;
from.vector = next;
if (next == to) return start.vector;
from = next;
return nothing;
@p Slow Various To Various Route-Finding.
Now there are no simplifying assumptions and the problem is essentially the
same as the one solved for route-finding in the map, above. Once again we
present two different algorithms: first, a form of Prim's algorithm for
minimal spanning trees. Note that, whereas this algorithm was not always
so "slow" for the map -- because of the fairly low vertex degrees involved,
i.e., because most rooms had few connections to other rooms -- here the
relation might well be almost complete, with almost all the objects related
to each other, and then the algorithm will indeed be "slow". So it is
likely that the "fast" algorithm will always be better, if the memory
can be spared for it.
We use the fast algorithm for a given relation if and only if the NI compiler
has allocated the necessary cache memory; the two use options above, for
map route-finding, don't control this.
[ VtoVRelRouteTo relation from to count obj obj2 related progressed left_ix pr2 i vtov_structure;
vtov_structure = RlnGetF(relation, RR_STORAGE);
if (vtov_structure-->VTOVS_CACHE)
return FastVtoVRelRouteTo(relation, from, to, count);
left_ix = vtov_structure-->VTOVS_LEFT_INDEX_PROP;
pr2 = vtov_structure-->VTOVS_RIGHT_INDEX_PROP;
objectloop (obj ofclass Object && obj provides vector) obj.vector = 0;
to.vector = 1;
while (true) {
progressed = false;
objectloop (obj ofclass Object && obj provides left_ix)
if (obj.vector == 0) {
objectloop (obj2 ofclass Object && obj2 provides pr2 && obj2.vector > 0) {
if (Relation_TestVtoV(obj, relation, obj2)) {
obj.vector = obj2 | WORD_HIGHBIT;
progressed = true;
objectloop (obj ofclass Object && obj provides left_ix)
obj.vector = obj.vector &~ WORD_HIGHBIT;
if (from.vector) break;
if (progressed == false) break;
if (count) {
if (from.vector == nothing) return -1;
i = 0; obj = from;
while ((obj ~= to) && (i<=MAX_ROUTE_LENGTH)) { i++; obj = obj.vector; }
return i;
return from.vector;
@p Fast Various To Various Route-Finding.
Now, as above, a form of the Floyd-Warshall algorithm. The matrix is here
stored in the cache of memory pointed to in the V-to-V relation structure.
We are unable to combine $a_{ij}$ and $d_{ij}$ into a single cell of
memory, so in fact we store two separate matrices: one for $a_{ij}$
(this is |cache| below), the other for $n_{ij}$, where $n_{ij}$ is the
next object in the shortest path from $O_i$ to $O_j$ (this is |cache2|
Where $n<256$ a shortest path must be such that $a_{ij}\leq 255$, so can
be stored in a single byte, and we similarly store $n_{ij}$ as the index
of the object rather than the object value itself: the index ranges from
0 to $n-1$, so that $0\leq n_{ij} < 255$ and we can use $n_{ij} = 255$
as a sentinel value meaning "no path". Although the reconversion of
$n_{ij}$ back into a valid object value takes a little time, it is only
$O(n)$, and of course we know $n$ is relatively small; and in this way
we reduce the storage overhead to only $n^2$ bytes.
Where $n\geq 256$, we resign ourselves to storing two words for each pair
$(i,j)$, making $2n^2$ bytes of storage on the Z-machine and $4n^2$ bytes
of storage on Glulx, but lookup of a cached result is slightly faster.
[ FastVtoVRelRouteTo relation from to count
domainsize cache cache2 left_ix ox oy oj offset axy axj ayj;
domainsize = RlnGetF(relation, RR_STORAGE)-->2; ! Number of left instances
left_ix = RlnGetF(relation, RR_STORAGE)-->VTOVS_LEFT_INDEX_PROP;
if ((from provides left_ix) && (to provides left_ix)) {
if (domainsize < 256) {
cache = RlnGetF(relation, RR_STORAGE)-->VTOVS_CACHE;
cache2 = cache + domainsize*domainsize;
if (RlnGetF(relation, RR_STORAGE)-->VTOVS_CACHE_BROKEN == true) {
RlnGetF(relation, RR_STORAGE)-->VTOVS_CACHE_BROKEN = false;
objectloop (oy provides left_ix)
objectloop (ox provides left_ix)
if (Relation_TestVtoV(oy, relation, ox)) {
offset = ((oy.left_ix)*domainsize + (ox.left_ix));
cache->offset = 1;
cache2->offset = ox.left_ix;
} else {
offset = ((oy.left_ix)*domainsize + (ox.left_ix));
cache->offset = 0;
cache2->offset = 255;
for (oy=0: oy<domainsize: oy++)
for (ox=0: ox<domainsize: ox++) {
axy = cache->(ox*domainsize + oy);
if (axy > 0)
for (oj=0: oj<domainsize: oj++) {
ayj = cache->(oy*domainsize + oj);
if (ayj > 0) {
offset = ox*domainsize + oj;
axj = cache->offset;
if ((axj == 0) || (axy + ayj < axj)) {
cache->offset = (axy + ayj);
cache2->offset = cache2->(ox*domainsize + oy);
if (count) {
count = cache->((from.left_ix)*domainsize + (to.left_ix));
if (count == 0) return -1;
return count;
oy = cache2->((from.left_ix)*domainsize + (to.left_ix));
if (oy < 255)
objectloop (ox provides left_ix)
if (ox.left_ix == oy) return ox;
return nothing;
} else {
cache = RlnGetF(relation, RR_STORAGE)-->VTOVS_CACHE;
cache2 = cache + WORDSIZE*domainsize*domainsize;
if (RlnGetF(relation, RR_STORAGE)-->VTOVS_CACHE_BROKEN == true) {
RlnGetF(relation, RR_STORAGE)-->VTOVS_CACHE_BROKEN = false;
objectloop (oy provides left_ix)
objectloop (ox provides left_ix)
if (Relation_TestVtoV(oy, relation, ox)) {
offset = ((oy.left_ix)*domainsize + (ox.left_ix));
cache-->offset = 1;
cache2-->offset = ox;
} else {
offset = ((oy.left_ix)*domainsize + (ox.left_ix));
cache-->offset = 0;
cache2-->offset = nothing;
for (oy=0: oy<domainsize: oy++)
for (ox=0: ox<domainsize: ox++) {
axy = cache-->(ox*domainsize + oy);
if (axy > 0)
for (oj=0: oj<domainsize: oj++) {
ayj = cache-->(oy*domainsize + oj);
if (ayj > 0) {
offset = ox*domainsize + oj;
axj = cache-->offset;
if ((axj == 0) || (axy + ayj < axj)) {
cache-->offset = (axy + ayj);
cache2-->offset = cache2-->(ox*domainsize + oy);
if (count) {
count = cache-->((from.left_ix)*domainsize + (to.left_ix));
if (count == 0) return -1;
return count;
return cache2-->((from.left_ix)*domainsize + (to.left_ix));
if (count) return -1;
return nothing;
@p Iterating Relations.
The following is provided to make it possible to run an I6 routine on each
relation in turn. (Each right-way-round relation, at any rate.)
[ IterateRelations callback;