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volume: "Writing with Inform" or "WWI"
text: "Writing with Inform.md"
volume: "The Recipe Book" or "RB"
text: "The Recipe Book.md"
# Define all the index notations. Most of these have the form "headword+KEY+",
# because that's easy to read. A couple of the most commonly used also have
# magic prefix symbols.
# All of these categories are going to come down to a handful of display
# styles:
# - normal
# - dark blue monospace (for terms that appear in I7 source)
# - light blue italics (for bracketed arguments in I7 source terms)
# - dark green serif (for words that appear in player commands)
# Note that the manual itself uses dark blue indented blocks, but not
# monospace, to display I7 source. We don't have the opportunity to indent,
# so we use the monospace font to distinguish it.
# General source-text category. Used for all sorts of cases. (Thus, no
# label is attached.)
index notation: ^{headword+source+} = source
index notation: ^{|headword} = source
# Category for player commands.
index notation: ^{headword+command+} = command
index notation: ^{>headword} = command
# Category for people's names.
index notation: ^{headword+name+} = name (invert)
index notation: ^{@headword} = name (invert)
# For source text which will include bracketed arguments.
# (The brackets are displayed.)
index notation: ^{headword+sourcearg+} = sourcearg (bracketed)
# For terms which will contain just a few source-text words in a normal line.
# (Here, in contrast, the brackets are markup -- they are not displayed.)
index notation: ^{headword+sourcepart+} = sourcepart (unbracketed)
# For terms which will contain just a few player-command words in a normal
# line.
index notation: ^{headword+commandpart+} = commandpart (unbracketed)
# Category for terms labelled "user interface".
index notation: ^{headword+ui+} = ui ("user interface")
# Category for terms labelled "use option".
index notation: ^{headword+useopt+} = useopt ("use option")
# Category for terms labelled "of source text". Words may be bracketed for
# the source-text style.
index notation: ^{headword+ofsource+} = ofsource ("of source text") (unbracketed)
# Category of terms labelled "bibliographic data".
index notation: ^{headword+biblio+} = biblio ("bibliographic data")
# Category of terms labelled "web site".
index notation: ^{headword+web+} = web ("web site")
# Category of terms which are titles, so should be in italics. (No label,
# because it could be a title of any sort of thing.)
index notation: ^{headword+title+} = title
# Category of terms labelled "extension".
index notation: ^{headword+ext+} = ext ("extension")
# For player commands labelled "testing command".
index notation: ^{headword+testcmd+} = testcmd ("testing command")
# For kinds (source text style).
index notation: ^{headword+kind+} = kind ("kind")
# For top-level assertions, with bracketed arguments.
index notation: ^{headword+assert+} = assert ("assertion") (bracketed)
# For rulebooks, with bracketed arguments. (Not rulebook arguments per se,
# but parameterized cases like "check (action)".)
index notation: ^{headword+rb+} = rb ("rulebook") (bracketed)
# For phrases, with bracketed arguments. Note that there is a prefix form
# for this one.
index notation: ^{headword+phr+} = phrase ("phrase") (bracketed)
index notation: ^{+to+headword} = phrase ("phrase") (bracketed)
# For "say" phrases, with bracketed arguments. With prefix form.
index notation: ^{headword+sayphr+} = sayphrase ("say phrase") (bracketed)
index notation: ^{+tosay+headword} = sayphrase ("say phrase") (bracketed)
# For "if" phrases, with bracketed arguments. With prefix form.
index notation: ^{headword+ifphr+} = ifphrase ("if phrase") (bracketed)
index notation: ^{+toif+headword} = ifphrase ("if phrase") (bracketed)
# For "outcome" phrases (e.g. "it is likely"). The bracketed argument
# is the rulebook name to which the outcome applies.
index notation: ^{headword+outphr+} = outphrase ("outcome phrase") (bracketed)
index notation: ^{+toout+headword} = outphrase ("outcome phrase") (bracketed)
# For properties (source text style).
index notation: ^{headword+prop+} = prop ("property") (bracketed)
# For properties (source text style), auto-filed into "properties: catalogue".
# This has no label, because the group term is sufficient.
index notation: ^{headword+propcat+} = propcat (bracketed) (under {properties: catalogue})
# For adjectives, with bracketed arguments (the kind the adj applies to).
index notation: ^{headword+adj+} = adj ("adjective") (bracketed)
# For relations. We permit bracketed arguments for the odd case of
# "mapping (direction)".
index notation: ^{headword+rel+} = rel ("relation") (bracketed)
# For relations, auto-filed into "relations: predefined". No label.
index notation: ^{headword+relcat+} = relcat (under {relations: predefined}) (bracketed)
# For relation verbs.
index notation: ^{headword+relverb+} = relverb ("relation verb")
# For global variables, with type. We conventionally format this as
# "{VARNAME (-- TYPE)}", using an em-dash inside the brackets.
index notation: ^{headword+glob+} = glob ("global variable") (unbracketed)
# For action variables, with type. We conventionally format this as
# "{VARNAME (-- TYPE)}", using an em-dash inside the brackets.
index notation: ^{headword+actvar+} = actvar ("action variable") (unbracketed)
# For constants, with type. We conventionally format this as
# "{CONSTNAME (-- TYPE)}", using an em-dash inside the brackets.
index notation: ^{headword+const+} = const ("constant") (unbracketed)
# For actions. We generally use the short form ("taking") unless the action
# has two arguments, in which case we mention the first one
# ("asking (actor) about").
index notation: ^{headword+action+} = action ("action") (bracketed)
# For activities.
index notation: ^{headword+activity+} = activity ("activity")
# Another entry for activities, auto-filed into "activities: catalogue".
index notation: ^{headword+activitycat+} = activitycat (under {activities: catalogue})
# One more for activities. Enough of them fit in this subgroup that it's
# worth having a special tag.
index notation: ^{headword+descactivity+} = descactivity (under {descriptions (displayed): activities})
# For tokens of understanding. (Square brackets are generated for the
# index listing.)
index notation: ^{headword+token+} = token ("grammar token") (bracketed) (prefix "[") (suffix "]")
# Auto-generated entries for each activity.
index notation: {act_} = activity ("activity")
# Another auto-generated entry for activities, auto-filed into
# "activities: catalogue".
index notation: {act_} = activitycat (under {activities: catalogue})
index notation: definition = phrase ("phrase") (bracketed)
index notation: if-definition = ifphrase ("if phrase") (bracketed)
index notation: say-definition = sayphrase ("say phrase") (bracketed)
index notation: example = example ("example")