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inform7/inbuild/inbuild-module/Chapter 2/Conceptual Model.w
2020-02-05 10:10:07 +00:00

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[Model::] Conceptual Model.
The main concepts of inbuild.
@h Genres.
For example, "kit" and "extension" will both be both genres. There will be
few of these.
typedef struct inbuild_genre {
text_stream *genre_name;
} inbuild_genre;
VMETHOD_TYPE(GENRE_WRITE_WORK_MTID, inbuild_genre *gen, text_stream *OUT, inbuild_work *work)
VMETHOD_TYPE(GENRE_LOCATION_IN_NEST_MTID, inbuild_genre *gen, inbuild_nest *N, inbuild_requirement *req, linked_list *search_results)
VMETHOD_TYPE(GENRE_COPY_TO_NEST_MTID, inbuild_genre *gen, inbuild_copy *C, inbuild_nest *N, int syncing)
@ =
inbuild_genre *Model::genre(text_stream *name) {
inbuild_genre *gen;
LOOP_OVER(gen, inbuild_genre)
if (Str::eq(gen->genre_name, name))
return gen;
gen = CREATE(inbuild_genre);
gen->genre_name = Str::duplicate(name);
return gen;
text_stream *Model::genre_name(inbuild_genre *G) {
if (G == NULL) return I"(none)";
return G->genre_name;
@h Editions.
An "edition" of a work is a particular version numbered form of it. For
example, release 7 of Bronze by Emily Short would be an edition of Bronze.
typedef struct inbuild_edition {
struct inbuild_work *work;
struct inbuild_version_number version;
} inbuild_edition;
inbuild_edition *Model::edition(inbuild_work *work, inbuild_version_number version) {
inbuild_edition *edition = CREATE(inbuild_edition);
edition->work = work;
edition->version = version;
return edition;
@h Copies.
A "copy" of a work exists in the file system when we've actually got hold of
some edition of it. For some genres, copies will be files; for others,
directories holding a set of files.
typedef struct inbuild_copy {
struct inbuild_edition *edition;
struct pathname *location_if_path;
struct filename *location_if_file;
general_pointer content; /* the type of which depends on the work's genre */
struct build_graph *graph;
} inbuild_copy;
inbuild_copy *Model::copy_in_file(inbuild_edition *edition, filename *F, general_pointer C) {
inbuild_copy *copy = CREATE(inbuild_copy);
copy->edition = edition;
copy->location_if_path = NULL;
copy->location_if_file = F;
copy->content = C;
copy->graph = NULL;
return copy;
inbuild_copy *Model::copy_in_directory(inbuild_edition *edition, pathname *P, general_pointer C) {
inbuild_copy *copy = CREATE(inbuild_copy);
copy->edition = edition;
copy->location_if_path = P;
copy->location_if_file = NULL;
copy->content = C;
copy->graph = NULL;
return copy;
void Model::write_copy(OUTPUT_STREAM, inbuild_copy *C) {
Works::write(OUT, C->edition->work);
inbuild_version_number N = C->edition->version;
if (VersionNumbers::is_null(N) == FALSE) {
WRITE(" v"); VersionNumbers::to_text(OUT, N);
inbuild_copy *Model::claim(text_stream *arg) {
int pos = Str::len(arg) - 1, dotpos = -1;
while (pos >= 0) {
wchar_t c = Str::get_at(arg, pos);
if (c == FOLDER_SEPARATOR) break;
if (c == '.') dotpos = pos;
if (dotpos >= 0)
Str::substr(ext, Str::at(arg, dotpos+1), Str::end(arg));
int directory_status = NOT_APPLICABLE;
if (Str::get_last_char(arg) == FOLDER_SEPARATOR) {
directory_status = TRUE;
inbuild_copy *C = NULL;
if (C == NULL) C = Kits::claim(arg, ext, directory_status);
if (C == NULL) C = Extensions::claim(arg, ext, directory_status);
return C;