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inform7/resources/Changes/Change Logs/4B91.txt
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4B91 (10 November 2006)
(Windows only) Images now appear in the game tab when running a Glulx game,
rather than the place holder "[Image n]" text. (This brings the Windows
application into line with the OS X one.)
(Windows only) The right-click menu for the source tab now includes a sub-menu
to change the size of the text.
(Windows only) Ctrl-Delete and Ctrl-Backspace in the source tab no longer
confuse the undo logic.
(Windows only) The cursor arrow keys now work in the game tab.
(Windows only) The toolbar should no longer appear corrupted on 24-bit displays.
(Windows only) When running Glulx games in the game tab, the
stylehint_Proportional flag is now respected.
(Windows only) When running Glulx games in the game tab, glk_window_clear()
now works.
On both the Mac OS X and Windows applications, documentation searches now
cover the examples as well as the main text, and search results are
more clearly displayed.
The Glulx story file format is fully supported by Inform for textual works,
and we have therefore documented it as a choice available for designers:
see section 2.13, now retitled "Limits and the Settings panel".
The commonest source of problems with Glulx to date has been to do with
screen effects such as coloured text and menus, and in particular to
do with the extension "Basic Screen Effects", which works only for the
Z-machine formats. Because of this, and because we expect that people
will want to write other extensions providing unusual effects, two
new features have been added:
- An extension can describe itself, in its top line declaration, to
be for a limited range of story file formats. This is displayed in
the "Installed Extensions" documentation chapter, and an attempt to
use an extension with a story file format which does not match will
produce an explanatory problem message.
- Individual headings can specify that they contain material to be
used only with certain story file formats. This allows extensions, in
particular, to provide different implementations of the same idea -
for instance, a Glulx version and a Z-machine version - so that the
user will get the same behaviour whatever the current project Settings.
See the new section 21.6: "Extensions and story file formats".
The use of illustrations is now officially supported. This was implemented
in 3Z95 but documented only in the change log; for this build a new
chapter on illustrations, Chapter 19, has now been added to the
The "Release along with an existing story file" option has been improved,
and is now fully documented for the first time: see the new section
20.15, "Republishing existing works of IF". This enables Inform 6
users, or those with old games compiled using Informs 1 to 6, to
repackage them with cover art and bibliographic data for modern
interpreters such as Zoom, Spatterlight or Windows Frotz.
"When play ends" rules are now run when play ends "in victory"; previously,
they were run on every other outcome but not this one. This is a change
in the design rather than a bug fix, so it may cause existing source
text to change its behaviour: if you are using "when play ends" rules
in a work in progress, you may want to test to see if victory is still
presented as you would wish it.
If a scene is created with a name such as "Grand Finale", one can now
write rules for "When the Grand Finale begins: ...", etc., equivalently
to "When Grand Finale begins: ...". (This is in effect a bug fix, since
the same text would previously have created a spurious rule called
'Grand Finale begins' which was never invoked, rather mysteriously.)
The syntax "otherwise if" (or "else if") is now allowed. This divides up
an "if ... begin; ...; end if", for instance as follows:
if the player is in the Garden
say "The wind rustles the long grass.";
otherwise if the player is in the Gazebo;
say "The wind catches at the canvas roof of the Gazebo.";
end if.
There can be any number of "otherwise if"s within an "if... end if".
(Note the lack of a "begin" at the end of each "otherwise if" - the "if"
is all one block of phrases.)
This new syntax is somewhat experimental, so will be documented in the
next build rather than this one.
Problem messages have been added for use of '[if ...]' inside an existing
'[if ...]', and for '[otherwise]' or '[end if]' used with no matching
'[if ...]'.
Basic Screen Effects revised to compile correctly under both Glulx and
Z-machine; documentation updated; version number advanced to 3. (Thanks
to Eric Eve for his contributions.)
Plurality revised to include additional management for pronoun behavior
(providing wrappers for Inform 6's MANUAL PRONOUNS constant and the
PronounNotice() routine), and to print "you" when the item described is
the player, in it/them phrases; documentation updated; version number
advanced to 2.
Punctuation Removal revised to indicate that it is for the Z-machine only.
"Garibaldi" altered to reflect that colored lettering can be used only
under the Z-machine.
"Scooby" reworded slightly to avoid a conflict with the new "otherwise if".
The limit on the size of a single I6 code inclusion, previously 10K, has
been substantially raised (to 200K): this for the benefit of one or
two complex extensions needing to incorporate very long hand-coded
I6 routines.
Problem message added for actions applying to two non-object values at once,
and bug fixed which (sometimes) caused this to generate a spurious
problem message on the wrong action.
Problem message added for "...an X with L", where L is a literal value
such as a number, rather than the previous internal error.
Problem message added for "X is a value that varies", which doesn't say
what kind of value it is, rather than the previous internal error.
Problem message added for relations created between kinds of value with
an infinite range, in those cases where this is forbidden because
the run-time storage needed would be impracticable.
Problem message added for compiled descriptions which contain local variables
(which will no longer exist when these descriptions need to be used:
this resulted in enigmatic "subtype of oversized local" internal errors).
Problem message added for calling a variable simply "variable", as in
"The favourite son is a variable."
Bug fixed in which I7 could sometimes crash on being asked to place rule A
after or before rule B in rulebook R, when B is not in fact in R: an
explanatory problem message has been added to respond to this.
Bug fixed in which a room could not be called simply "Void".
Bug fixed in which boxed quotations would sometimes produce array lookup
errors. (A bug introduced only in 3V01: apologies.)
Bug fixed in which text containing an "[if ...]" and then an "[otherwise]"
but no "[end if]" and finally a substitution containing an ambiguity
not soluble at compile time would sometimes generate I6 code missing
a label definition, causing I6 to reject the output of I7.
Bug fixed in which number variables initialised to negative numbers would
be created with the wrong value.
Bug fixed in which attempts to match a snippet against a non-topic would
crash the virtual machine: they now produce a new run-time problem.
Bug fixed in which reaching inside rules affected removing differently from
Bug fixed in which RELATIONS testing command gives incorrect output for
some object-to-value relationships.
Bug fixed in which actions applying to two values, and using the word "with"
in their names, were not always possible to categorise as named actions.
Bug fixed whereby "(with nouns reversed)" did not work when applied to actions
whose names consisted of a single word.
Bug fixed to do with "P of the X of Y", e.g., "price of the bag of sweets",
being misread.
Bug fixed whereby "let Name be Value" would sometimes create Name with the
wrong kind of value (e.g. a time instead of an object) in cases where
the Value part was susceptible to multiple interpretations.
Bug fixed causing a value consisting of the lone word "entry" to cause an
internal error.
Bug fixed whereby setting a description for generic player-characters would
cause I6 to fail to compile I7's output.
Bug fixed whereby a test scenario specifying that the player must be "in the
Holding Cell", etc., would crash due to misreading "holding" as the
start of a requirement about what is being held; also, if a capital H is
used for Holding, then this ambiguity no longer arises.
Bug fixed in which the problem message for an object whose name is purely
textual would be followed by a spurious internal error.
Bug fixed in which a wrongly phrased condition followed by a "try ..."
would sometimes produce an internal error as well as the intended
problem message.
Bug fixed in which an "accidental clash of names" problem would similarly
sometimes cause an internal error as well.
Bug fixed in which, once again, a problem reported in a "let X be Y" phrase
might also lead to a bogus internal error later.
Bug fixed in which 'Definition:' at the end of the source, with no definition,
would crash Inform.
Bug fixed in which a nameless new phrase, defined by just 'To:', would
cause an internal error.
Bug fixed causing a close quotation mark to be omitted when quoting an
incorrect "Understand..." sentence in certain problem messages.
Bug fixed in which definitions wrongly referring to properties would cause
the right problem message to be reported, but on the wrong sentence.
Bug fixed in which I6 library (as included in 3Z95) failed to compile for
purely I6 projects.