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inform7/inter/pipeline-module/Chapter 4/Load Binary Kits Stage.w
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[LoadBinaryKitsStage::] Load Binary Kits Stage.
Reading other Inter trees as binary files, and attaching them at given points
in the main Inter tree.
@ Inform 7 compiles source text to a single "main" Inter tree. That tree must
then be joined with other Inter trees for kits such as BasicInformKit, a
process called "linking", for want of a better word.[1]
Only the //supervisor// module knows which kits need to be linked in; the main
Inter tree doesn't contain this information.[2]
[1] Unlike the C linking process, it is not symmetrical. One Inter tree is
made by //inter//, and the others by //inter//, for one thing.
[2] Just as a C-compiled binary may be made by linking |alpha.o|, |beta.o| and
|gamma.o| together, but the fact that these are the three |*.o| files needed
to make the finished article is recorded only in the makefile for the program.
It's a matter for the build process and not for the compiler.
@ The list of Inter trees to link with is worked out by the //supervisor//,
which calls the following function to obtain a way to record each "requirement":
typedef struct attachment_instruction {
struct pathname *location;
struct text_stream *attachment_point;
} attachment_instruction;
attachment_instruction *LoadBinaryKitsStage::new_requirement(pathname *P, text_stream *attach) {
attachment_instruction *link = CREATE(attachment_instruction);
link->location = P;
link->attachment_point = Str::duplicate(attach);
return link;
@ Linking begins with the following stage. Note that the list of requirements
made by //supervisor// is now stored in |step->ephemera.requirements_list|.
void LoadBinaryKitsStage::create_pipeline_stage(void) {
LoadBinaryKitsStage::run, NO_STAGE_ARG, FALSE);
int LoadBinaryKitsStage::run(pipeline_step *step) {
inter_tree *I = step->ephemera.tree;
attachment_instruction *req;
LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(req, attachment_instruction, step->ephemera.requirements_list) {
inter_tree *sidecar = InterTree::new();
@<Load the Inter for the kit into the sidecar@>;
@<Look for duplicate definitions@>;
@<Migrate the bulk of the code from the sidecar to the main tree@>;
return TRUE;
@ A kit will, if properly prepared, contain a binary Inter file for each possible
architecture which may be needed. For testing purposes, the following actually
allows a textual Inter file to be used instead, but this isn't intended for
regular users: it would be quite slow to read in.
@<Load the Inter for the kit into the sidecar@> =
inter_architecture *A = PipelineModule::get_architecture();
if (A == NULL) Errors::fatal("no -architecture given");
filename *arch_file = Architectures::canonical_binary(req->location, A);
if (TextFiles::exists(arch_file) == FALSE)
internal_error("no arch file for requirement");
if (BinaryInter::test_file(arch_file)) BinaryInter::read(sidecar, arch_file);
else TextualInter::read(sidecar, arch_file);
@<Look for duplicate definitions@> =
inter_package *sidecar_connectors =
if (sidecar_connectors) {
inter_symbols_table *T = InterPackage::scope(sidecar_connectors);
if (InterSymbol::is_socket(S)) {
text_stream *defn_name = InterSymbol::identifier(S);
inter_symbol *rival = Wiring::find_socket(I, defn_name);
if (rival) {
inter_symbol *sidecar_end = Wiring::cable_end(S);
inter_symbol *rival_end = Wiring::cable_end(rival);
if ((InterSymbol::get_flag(rival_end, PERMIT_NAME_CLASH_ISYMF) == FALSE) &&
(SymbolAnnotation::get_b(rival_end, PRIVATE_IANN) == FALSE) &&
(SymbolAnnotation::get_b(sidecar_end, PRIVATE_IANN) == FALSE))
@<A clash of definitions seems to have occurred@>;
@<A clash of definitions seems to have occurred@> =
LOGIF(INTER_CONNECTORS, "Rival definitions of '%S':\ntree: $3\nkit: $3\n",
defn_name, rival_end, Wiring::cable_end(S));
int override = NOT_APPLICABLE;
linked_list *L = step->pipeline->ephemera.replacements_list[step->tree_argument];
text_stream *N;
LOOP_OVER_LINKED_LIST(N, text_stream, L)
if (Str::eq(N, defn_name)) override = TRUE;
int tree_replaces = LoadBinaryKitsStage::replaces(rival_end, Wiring::cable_end(S));
int kit_replaces = LoadBinaryKitsStage::replaces(Wiring::cable_end(S), rival_end);
if (tree_replaces) LOGIF(INTER_CONNECTORS, "$3 replaces $3\n", rival_end, Wiring::cable_end(S));
if (kit_replaces) LOGIF(INTER_CONNECTORS, "$3 replaces $3\n", Wiring::cable_end(S), rival_end);
if ((tree_replaces) && (kit_replaces == FALSE)) override = TRUE;
if ((tree_replaces == FALSE) && (kit_replaces == TRUE)) override = FALSE;
if (override == NOT_APPLICABLE) {
int r_val = ConstantInstruction::evaluate_to_int(rival_end);
int s_val = ConstantInstruction::evaluate_to_int(sidecar_end);
if ((r_val == s_val) && (r_val != -1)) override = TRUE;
if (override == TRUE) @<Override the new definition with the existing one@>
else if (override == FALSE) @<Override the existing definition with the new one@>
else if (InterSymbol::get_flag(rival_end, MAKE_NAME_UNIQUE_ISYMF) == FALSE)
@<Throw an error for the duplication@>;
@ The following (unfortunately) has to do something subtle. We need the definition
of |defn_name| to be the one in the main tree; that means |sidecar_end| has to have
its present definition struck, i.e., removed entirely from the |sidecar| tree.
This may remove something as simple as a single constant definition, or as large
as a huge package holding the body of a function. Then, |sidecar_end| has to
be redefined as something in the main tree. But since transmigration has not yet
happened, we can't just wire it there. We have to wire it to a plug with name
|defn_tree| instead; and then after transmigration this will be connected to a
socket in the main tree connecting to |rival_end|.
But even that isn't quite enough. We can't allow the |connectors| package of
|sidecar| to contain a socket name which is the same as a socket name in the
|connectors| package of the main tree |I|. It might seem that we can just delete
the now-unwanted socket wired to the old definition; but we cannot, because other
symbols in the same kit might already be wired to it. So we keep the old socket,
but rename it with a name which will avoid name collisions, striking it out of
the symbols table dictionary.
@<Override the new definition with the existing one@> =
if (InterSymbolsTable::unname(T, defn_name) == FALSE)
internal_error("cannot strike socket name");
inter_symbol *plug = Wiring::plug(sidecar, defn_name);
SymbolAnnotation::get_b(rival_end, KEEPING_IANN), sidecar_end, sidecar, defn_name);
Wiring::wire_to(sidecar_end, plug);
LOGIF(INTER_CONNECTORS, "After overriding the kit definition, we have:\n");
LOGIF(INTER_CONNECTORS, "Socket renamed as $3 ~~> $3\n", S, Wiring::cable_end(S));
LOGIF(INTER_CONNECTORS, "A new plug $3\n", plug);
LOGIF(INTER_CONNECTORS, "Kit defn symbol $3 ~~> $3\n",
sidecar_end, Wiring::cable_end(sidecar_end));
@ And vice versa.
@<Override the existing definition with the new one@> =
inter_package *main_connectors =
if (main_connectors) {
inter_symbols_table *T = InterPackage::scope(main_connectors);
if (InterSymbolsTable::unname(T, defn_name) == FALSE)
internal_error("cannot strike socket name");
inter_symbol *plug = Wiring::plug(I, defn_name);
SymbolAnnotation::get_b(sidecar_end, KEEPING_IANN), rival_end, I, defn_name);
Wiring::wire_to(rival_end, plug);
Wiring::wire_to(plug, S);
LOGIF(INTER_CONNECTORS, "After overriding the tree definition, we have:\n");
LOGIF(INTER_CONNECTORS, "A new plug $3\n", plug);
LOGIF(INTER_CONNECTORS, "Tree defn symbol $3 ~~> $3\n",
rival_end, Wiring::cable_end(rival_end));
@<Throw an error for the duplication@> =
LOG("Rival definitions of '%S':\ntree: $3\nkit: $3\n",
defn_name, rival_end, Wiring::cable_end(S));
"found a second definition of the name '%S' when loading '%S'",
defn_name, req->attachment_point);
PipelineErrors::error_with(step, "%S", E);
@ The "attachment point" for the kit will be something like |/main/BasicInformKit|.
(This point will be different for each different kit in the requirements list:
others might include |/main/CommandParserKit|, and so on.) We take that package out
of the sidecar and put it into the main tree.
@<Migrate the bulk of the code from the sidecar to the main tree@> =
inter_package *pack = InterPackage::from_URL(sidecar, req->attachment_point);
if (pack == NULL) {
WRITE_TO(STDERR, "sought attachment material at: %S\n", req->attachment_point);
internal_error("unable to find attachment point package");
Transmigration::move(pack, LargeScale::main_package(I), FALSE);
void LoadBinaryKitsStage::deal_with_original(pipeline_step *step, int keeping,
inter_symbol *S, inter_tree *sidecar, text_stream *defn_name) {
if (keeping)
@<Keep the original definition@>
@<Destroy the original definition@>;
@<Keep the original definition@> =
LOGIF(INTER_CONNECTORS, "Keeping original definition of $3\n", S);
WRITE_TO(rname, "replaced`%S", defn_name);
inter_symbol *replaced =
InterSymbolsTable::symbol_from_name_creating(S->owning_table, rname);
inter_tree_node *D = InterSymbol::definition(S);
InterSymbol::define(replaced, D);
if (Inode::is(D, CONSTANT_IST)) {
D->W.instruction[DEFN_CONST_IFLD] = replaced->symbol_ID;
} else if (Inode::is(D, PACKAGE_IST)) {
D->W.instruction[DEFN_PACKAGE_IFLD] = replaced->symbol_ID;
} else if (Inode::is(D, VARIABLE_IST)) {
D->W.instruction[DEFN_VAR_IFLD] = replaced->symbol_ID;
} else {
LOG("\n***** Unable to keep this:\n");
InterInstruction::write_construct_text_allowing_nop(DL, D);
"'keeping' is only for routines, global variables and constants, which '%S' is not",
Wiring::socket_one_per_name_only(sidecar, rname, replaced);
@<Destroy the original definition@> =
LOGIF(INTER_CONNECTORS, "Destroying original definition of $3\n", S);
@ This function determines whether a replacement should take place: if the
symbol has been marked simple |+replacing| then the original location is set
to the special value |_| meaning "from anywhere", whereas otherwise it must
be a package name such as |BasicInformKit|, arising from an annotation like
|+replacing(from BasicInformKit)|.
int LoadBinaryKitsStage::replaces(inter_symbol *X, inter_symbol *Y) {
text_stream *X_rep = InterSymbol::get_replacement(X);
if (Str::eq(X_rep, I"_")) return TRUE;
inter_package *P = InterSymbolsTable::package(Y->owning_table);
while (P) {
if (Str::eq(X_rep, InterPackage::name(P))) return TRUE;
P = InterPackage::parent(P);
return FALSE;