# Pagify.js A jQuery plugin for effortlessly creating single page web sites. ## Usage Load Pagify and jQuery: ``` html ``` Attach a div that will hold the content of each page by listing pages and options: ``` js $('#page_holder').pagify({ pages: ['home', 'about', 'contact'], default: 'home' // The name of a page or 'empty' }); ``` Show other pages by linking to hashes: ``` html Contact ``` _Note:_ Page content should be found in _pagename_.html and pagify will respond to #_pagename_ ## Options `pages` - an array of page names `default` - the page that is loaded by default or 'empty' for an empty div `animation` - the jQuery animation that is used to show pages, i.e. `fadeIn`, `show`, `slideUp`, `slideDown`. __`show` is used by default.__ `cache` - true or false. Determines if all pages are loaded upfront or not. __false by default.__ ## Etc... **Created by [@ChrisPolis](http://twitter.com/ChrisPolis)** [MIT License](http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)