#include "externals.h" #include "internals.h" #include #include Mix_Music *music = NULL; int audio_rate = 22050; Uint16 audio_format = MIX_DEFAULT_FORMAT; int audio_channels = 2; int audio_buffers = 8192; static Mix_Music *mus; static char *next_mus = NULL; static int next_fadein = 0; static int next_loop = -1; static SDL_TimerID timer_id = NULL; static int sound_on = 0; static void mus_callback(void *aux) { if (!timer_id) return; if (snd_playing_mus()) return; if (mus) snd_free_mus(mus); mus = NULL; if (next_mus) { snd_play_mus(next_mus, next_fadein, next_loop); free(next_mus); next_mus = NULL; } SDL_RemoveTimer(timer_id); timer_id = NULL; } static Uint32 callback(Uint32 interval, void *aux) { push_user_event(mus_callback, aux); return interval; } int snd_hz(void) { int freq = 0; if (sound_on) Mix_QuerySpec(&freq, NULL, NULL); return freq; } int alsa_sw = 0; int nosound_sw = 0; void snd_pause(int on) { if (!sound_on) return; if (on) { Mix_Pause(-1); Mix_PauseMusic(); } else { Mix_Resume(-1); Mix_ResumeMusic(); } return; } int snd_init(int hz) { if (nosound_sw) return -1; if (!hz) hz = audio_rate; else audio_rate = hz; audio_buffers = (audio_rate / 11025) * 4096; if (!audio_buffers) /* wrong parameter? */ audio_buffers = 8192; if (SDL_InitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_AUDIO) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to init audio!\n"); return -1; } if (alsa_sw) { SDL_AudioInit("alsa"); } if (Mix_OpenAudio(hz, audio_format, audio_channels, audio_buffers)) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open audio!\n"); return -1; } sound_on = 1; return 0; } int snd_volume_mus(int vol) { if (!sound_on) return 0; Mix_Volume(-1, vol); return Mix_VolumeMusic(vol); } wav_t snd_load_wav(const char *fname) { wav_t r; if (!sound_on) return NULL; if (!fname) return NULL; r = (wav_t)Mix_LoadWAV(fname); if (!r) fprintf(stderr,"Can't load '%s'.\n", fname); return r; } void snd_free_wav(wav_t w) { if (!w) return; Mix_HaltChannel(-1); Mix_FreeChunk((Mix_Chunk*)w); } void snd_halt_chan(int han, int ms) { if (ms) Mix_FadeOutChannel(han, ms); else Mix_HaltChannel(han); } Mix_Music *snd_load_mus(const char *fname) { Mix_Music *mus; if (!sound_on) return NULL; mus = Mix_LoadMUS(fname); return mus; } extern void game_music_finished(void); int snd_play_mus(char *fname, int ms, int loop) { if (!sound_on) return 0; if (snd_playing_mus()) { if (next_mus) { free(next_mus); } next_mus = strdup(fname); next_fadein = ms; next_loop = loop; if (!timer_id) timer_id = SDL_AddTimer(200, callback, NULL); return 1; } if (mus) snd_free_mus(mus); mus = snd_load_mus(fname); if (!mus) { fprintf(stderr,"Can't load '%s'.\n", fname); return 0; } if (loop >= 0) Mix_HookMusicFinished(game_music_finished); else Mix_HookMusicFinished(NULL); if (ms) Mix_FadeInMusic((Mix_Music*)mus, loop, ms); else Mix_PlayMusic((Mix_Music*)mus, loop); snd_volume_mus(snd_volume_mus(-1)); // SDL hack? return 0; } void snd_stop_mus(int ms) { if (!sound_on) return; Mix_HookMusicFinished(NULL); if (ms) Mix_FadeOutMusic(ms); else Mix_HaltMusic(); } int snd_playing_mus(void) { if (!sound_on) return 0; if (Mix_PlayingMusic() | Mix_FadingMusic()) return 1; return 0; } int snd_playing(int channel) { if (!sound_on) return 0; if (channel >= MIX_CHANNELS) channel %= MIX_CHANNELS; if (channel < 0) channel = -1; return Mix_Playing(channel); } void snd_free_mus(mus_t mus) { if (!sound_on) return; Mix_HaltMusic(); Mix_FreeMusic((Mix_Music*) mus); } int snd_play(void *chunk, int channel, int loop) { if (!sound_on) return -1; if (!chunk) return -1; if (channel >= MIX_CHANNELS) channel %= MIX_CHANNELS; if (channel < 0) channel = -1; if (channel != -1) snd_halt_chan(channel, 0); snd_volume_mus(snd_volume_mus(-1)); // SDL hack? return Mix_PlayChannel(channel, (Mix_Chunk*)chunk, loop); } void snd_done(void) { if (!sound_on) return; if (timer_id) Mix_HaltChannel(-1); Mix_HaltMusic(); timer_id = NULL; if (mus) Mix_FreeMusic((Mix_Music*) mus); mus = NULL; if (next_mus) free(next_mus); next_mus = NULL; Mix_CloseAudio(); SDL_QuitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_AUDIO); } int snd_vol_from_pcn(int v) { return (v * 127) / 100; } int snd_vol_to_pcn(int v) { return (v * 100) / 127; }